Nov 13, 2024
These columns from our community reporters are updated every week.
Table of Contents
- Arden
- Battersea/Storrington
- Cloyne - Northbrooke
- Denbigh
- Godfrey
- Harlowe
- Harrowsmith
- Henderson
- Inverary
- Maberly-Bolingbroke
- Mississippi
- Ompah
- Parham-Tichborne
- Perth Road
- Plevna
- Sydenham
- Sharbot Lake
- Verona
by Brent Fehr
Thursday’s - Euchre at the Arden Legion at 7:30pm, 5967 Arden Road
November 16th - Hunters Ball at Royal Canadian Legion in Arden from 8pm - 12am. Join us for Live DJ entertainment & luncheon provided at 10pm. Cash Prizes 1st for Biggest Buck, $300, 2nd for Biggest Doe, $150, and 3rd forNovice (12-15 years) $100. Ticket required to Weigh-In. All Weigh-In’s required before 6pm. Tickets Available in Advance & At Door $20 per person. Call Lucy for Weigh-In’s @(613) 464-1177
November 28th - Community Holiday Dinner at Circle Square Ranch (1361 Price Rd). Come join us on Thursday @ 6pm for Turkey dinner with all the fixings and pie for dessert. Pay by donation, proceeds will go towards our Camper Scholarship Fund. Please RSVP to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call the office at 613.335.5403
November 30th - Annual Tree Lighting at the Heritage Garden across from the Mill Pond will take place. Join us on Saturday @ 7pm for this community event. Free hot chocolate from Circle Square Ranch and free cookies donated from Village Bakers. Sponsored by The Friends of Arden.
by Chris Pantrey
What does a squirrel watch on TV? Nut-flix!
Did you know... in January 1966, Battersea was the centre of a massive manhunt! A man, armed with a rifle, was thought to be responsible for over 15 break-ins in the area. The man fired shots in the direction of at least 2 local men! 30 men, including officers from both Kingston City police and the OPP, along with serveral locals who knew the bush better, searched the area for almost 2 days. Alas, there is no mention in the article if he was ever apprehended.
On Sunday November 17th, at 10am, please join Trinity United Church in Verona, for their second annual special Music Sunday. Take time to enjoy the talent of church members along with community guests.
Keep busy this fall!
Yoga class every Wednesday at 6 pm. September classes back at Inverary United Church Hall. Pilates and Foam Rolling classes in other locations. More info: email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Pickleball courts available at Storrington Lions Club. Call 613-353-6920 to book yours!
Cloyne - Northbrooke
by Nancy Skipper
The Land O'Lakes Emmanuel United Church, 108 Addington Rd. 2, Northbrook will be selling a variety of pies ($16.00) and some Christmas items on Saturday, November 16, 9 a.m. – noon.
News from Finnegan’s General Store: “I hosted my first Coffee Break for Veterans this morning. What a great morning of comradery and brotherhood. Thank you to my friend Dan for suggesting this. It’s a blessing to see it come together. The next one will be Saturday December 7th from 10-12 noon. Please reach out to me if you’d like to be included.”
Please mark your calendars! The local office of KFLA Alzheimer Society is having a free Dementia Friendly Education Session. Thursday Nov 21 1:30-3:00 at the Land O’ Lakes Emmanuel United Church, 108 Addington Road 2, Northbrook, On You can expect to gain a better understanding of the everyday experiences of people living with dementia. Please RSVP to Pam Lemke 613-827-6700 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
News from Lakeside Inn Motel, Restaurant & Bar: We want to create a Bar activity calendar. Karaoke, Games nights like Crib, Euchre, Poker, Bridge, and maybe a trivia night. What nights of the week do you want activities? Thursday, Friday or Saturday? Let us know what you want and when. We want to be your local destination for fun!”
Well, it’s back…The Lions Progressive “Catch the Ace” lottery. Tickets will be available once again at any Lions event. First drawing is 11am Sunday November 17th. Good luck to all. Sounds like Santa is coming to town. Come out and enjoy the Lions Nighttime Parade on Saturday November 23rd. The Parade starts at 5:30 followed by hot chocolate, hotdogs and visit with Santa and then Fireworks at 7pm. The Holly Shoppe will be open for young shoppers from 4-7
The fifth annual Christmas Toy and Food Drive is being held Saturday, November 30th at the Northbrook Foodland between the hours of 10am and 2pm. We are accepting donations of new toys, gift cards, non-perishable food items, and cash. All donations go directly to the Land O’ Lakes Community Services Christmas Hamper Program. It is also supported by the Kaladar/Barrie Fire Department. Without donations, the program costs over $20,000 and services over 140 local families in need.
Gail Fritsch
During the Festival of Lights on December 14 at Heritage Park the Denbigh Recreation will be lighting a Memorial Tree in memory of loved ones who are no longer with us. You can purchase a bulb for $2 in memory of a family member or friend, at Glaeser’s Country Store or Rosie’s Café and General Store in Denbigh. Deadline is December 1, 2024.
Matawatchan Hall at 1677 Frontenac Road will be hosting Christmas Market on Saturday Nov. 30 from 10:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. There will be light Lunch, Coffee, Homemade Crafts, local Maple Syrup, lots of yummy Christmas treats. Come out and support your community. If you are interested in a table contact Nancy at 613-333-9556.
The Denbigh Library will be having a fun morning of Board games on Saturday November 16 from 10am to 11:30am. If you have a favorite board game you are welcome to bring it. There will be playdoh and activities for the younger ones. Everyone up to the age of 12 is welcome. Please register by calling 613-333-1426.
Denbigh Griffith Lions Club would like to thank everyone who attended the recent Octoberfest event; it was a fun time for all . The Lions Club will be offering Christmas Hampers to members of the community in need. If you are in need of a Christmas Hamper or know someone who may need one please call Jan at 613-333-1748. More information in the next few weeks.
Kelli McRobert
No column; check back next week!
Marie White
No column; check back next week!
Gregg Hamelin
Sunday, November 17 join Trinity United Church in Verona for a MUSIC SUNDAY at 10.00 AM featuring our church talent and community guests.
Wednesday, November 27, 2024 is the cut-off date to order your pies. There is a variety to choose from - apple, strawberry rhubarb and pumpkin to name a few. These are home-made, nine (9) inch unbaked pies. The pick-up date is Saturday, December 7, from 9am – 11am. For information and to order call 613-876-1330.
Friday, December 06, 2024 Youth Dance at the Golden LInks Hall Harrowsmith, from 7pm -9:30pm for public school children. Cost is $7. This is our Christmas dance, so come dressed in your favorite Christmas sweater or bring a homemade card or ornament for your DJ's. Everyone will go home with something tonight. For information call 613-372-2410.
Sunday, December 08, 2024 please join us for "Snacks with Santa" at the Harrowsmith S and A Club, 4041 Colebrook Road, Harrowsmith from 11:00 AM until 13:30 PM for free hot dogs and drinks. Bring your favorite treat to share. Donations gratefully accepted. For more information contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit our Facebook page "Harrowsmith S and A Club.
Jean Brown
This Sunday Nov. 17 Land O’Lakes Emmanuel United Church will be led by the Rev. Phil Hobbs, spouse and family who will be dedicating a memorial bench in memory of their sister the late Rev. D’Thea (Hobbs) Webster who served that church a few years ago now. A pot luck lunch and visiting follows and all are welcome.
We’ve experienced many deaths of late and were saddened by the death of our own Bonnie Weese whom many will remember from her days of the water skiing show at Kirk Kove, the wonderful meals there, and all the fun times we enjoyed with Bonnie and family. We thank God for Bonnie’s life and also the lives of many others who died this past week- the late Ken Black, Jim Baker, Sharon Alton.
Special thanks to all who are responding to our Central Frontenac Township Christmas peanut butter food bank challenge and are donating peanut butter at our location which is the Arden post office. As you know each municipal district is in competition to bring in the most jars, and last year our district of Kennebec won-yahoo and thanks! So, let’s get behind this effort and get that peanut butter to our Arden post office by Dec. 16. I hope we win the challenge- so do us proud folks.
Neil Purchase of our area has written a super song called “I Got a Brand New Deer Stand” which he and Marilyn Tellier performed for us at the Arden Legion’s open mike of Nov.9 and it was a hoot!! Hope he sings it at the next open mike on Sat. Dec. 14 at Arden Legion from 1pm – 5pm. That song can be our Henderson Hunting Anthem and we can sing it while driving in our pickup trucks.
by Judy Borovskis
Christmas hamper baskets. Storrington Pastoral Charge is sponsoring 30 families this year. Your help is needed. Can you donate any of the following: white bread, brown bread, cheese, eggs, butter, bacon or small hams, gravy, coffee, tea, cereal (ie Rice Krispies and Cheerios), crackers, ketchup, relish, mustard, dish soap, white sugar, cookies, peanut butter, jam, toilet paper, kleenex, spaghetti and sauce, toothbrushes and toothpaste, stove top stuffing and soups. Items can be dropped off at Battersea United Church November 18 from 11am-1pm. We have freezer space for frozen items and need turkeys. Financial donations can be made to Battersea by e-transferring to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or mail to Inverary to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Please put Benevolent Fund on memo line. You may also pick up a gift tag at either Church and buy/wrap a gift for a recipient. There aren’t as many gifts to buy this year thanks to the Salvation Army who has offered to buy gifts for our 0-12 year olds and Loughborough Christmas & Emergency Relief Committee who has offered to provide gift cards for our 13-17 year olds!
Gifts! Crafts! & Much More this Saturday, November 16th, 10 am. to 3 pm. at Inverary United Church Hall! 23 Vendors. Crafts, decorations, clothing, art work, baking, some small tools, toys, dishes, glassware and the list goes on. Absolutely something here for everyone. Drop in, check it out and be sure to say hello!
Youth Dance! for Students in Grades 5 to 8 at the Storrington Lions Club Hall from 6:30pm to 9:30pm. on Friday, November 22. Admission is $5 pp and includes adult supervision, canteen and DJ. Proceeds in support of Holy Name School.
Frontenac 4-H Fund Raiser Pork BBQ & Award Presentation on Saturday November 23rd at the Storrington Lions Club Hall. Dinner served 5:30pm to 7:30pm. Cost is $20 Adults, $10 6-18 years, & 5 years and younger free. Tickets available at the door or from any 4-H volunteer. Thanks for supporting Frontenac 4-H!
Pop Can Drive – Fill The Bin. Start saving your cans! Pop cans/alcohol cans & bottles! Drop off anytime at the Lion’s Hall in Sunbury. Event takes place on Sunday November 24th from 12:30 – 3:00 in support of the Lions Foundation of Canada Guide Dogs. Sponsored by ANS Scrap Metals & Environmentall Contracting Service.
Karen Prytula
"For the November 21, meeting of the Perth & District Historical Society, our guest, Karen Prytula will introduce us to the Cohen family of Maberly, ancestors of Leonard Cohen. The up-coming be on the ancestors of the late poet, novelist and singer/songwriter, Leonard Cohen. Leonard Cohen’s ancestors and great grandparents arrived from Poland to the hamlet of Maberly in 1869. At the time, that part of Eastern Ontario was home to the region’s largest Jewish settlements. The family became active in the life of the area and included operating a business with a general store and as a lumber merchant plus investments in several properties. The Cohen family presence and the Leonard Cohen connection has been recognised with a plaque placed along the Maberly-Elphin Road. The Perth and District Historical Society meetings are open to the public, at 7:30 pm at the Royal Canadian Legion, Perth-Upon-Tay, Branch 244, home of the Hall of Remembrance, 26 Beckwith St. E. in Perth. For information, contact Ellen Dean at 613-264-8362
Tay Valley Township Holiday Lunch 2024! Join us for a free Holiday Lunch at Maberly Hall on November 21st, 2024 from 11:30am - 1pm. Register by calling 613-267-5353 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
We only have 100 spots available, so be sure to register before we run out of room. 180 Maberly Elphin Rd. Maberly. Presented by The Table and Tay Valley Township. Funding provided by the Seniors Active Living Centre.
No column; check back next week!
by Leane Bailey
Wow, thank you to the Ompah Community and the many volunteers and guests who came from near and far to support our Roast Beef Dinner on Thursday night. It takes a village!! What a terrific event in support of the Ompah Community Centre and the Children’s Christmas Party
Children’s Christmas Party: Our next very special event is the Christmas Children’s Party at the Ompah Community Centre on Nov. 30th starting at 1pm. We are in need of donations of loaves of sandwiches (egg, ham and cheese, ….) a variety of cookies and squares, and some helpers to help in setting up and looking after the refreshment area during the Children’s party, and also later in the evening when the Santa Claus Parade participants arrive to warm up and enjoy some refreshments after the parade at around 7pm. There is a sign-up sheet posted on the community fridge inside the Ompah Community Centre. For more information you can contact Leane at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or at 613-479-8047.
The November Birthday Bash/Potlluck will be held on Nov. 20 at 6:00pm. Everyone is welcome to attend, even if it's not your birthday month. Bring a toonie and a dish to share and join in the fun.
On Thursday, November 21st, The Snow Road Community Centre presents an evening of Classic Country Music with the White Family Band from 7pm to 9pm. Tickets can be purchased by e-transfer to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by calling 613-278-1853. Tickets are $15.
by Christine Teal and Colleen Steele
Nov. 16th is the Lions Club All You Can Eat Breakfast at the OSO Township Hall in Sharbot Lake. Don't forget your utensils. Lion Dave Hansen is selling those yummy cakes at $22 and the shortbread cookies at $10 makes a nice Christmas gift for those on your list.
Also, the Peanut Butter Challenge is on once again running from now to December 16 to support the Food Bank. Hope you can help out with this staple..
Sympathy to Joyce Livingston and her family on the passing of Richard of Godfrey.
Don't forgot the SALT luncheon in Parham on Nov. 20th - Please remember you must register
November 23 is the Turkey Dinner at the Parham United Church CE Building.
November 30th there is a Christmas in the Country Vendor Event at the Parham United Church CE Building from 10 to 2 sponsored by District #4 Recreation Committee. Stop in and shop and have lunch with us. There will also be a bake table - so any community members looking to help out we would appreciate any bake goods.
Plans are underway for a Christmas Party sponsored by District #4 Recreation Committee so stay tuned for details!
Sounds like the deer hunters were successful in getting some venison.
Perth Road
by Peter Bird
St. Andrew’s Day Tea & Social. Enjoy Homemade Sweet Treats and Celebrate St. Andrew’s Day on Saturday, November 30th 2024 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm. Cost is $10 per person. Wear your Tartan (optional) and listen or sing-along to traditional Scottish songs performed by Celtic at Heart in the Perth Road Sunday School Hall.
For information about The Sunday School Hall rentals, please call Vera Shepherd at 613-353-2470 or Stephen Bach at 343-364-1033.
by Rhonda Watkins
Do you have your winter tires on yet? There is tire repair, installation and service available in Plevna now! You can call or text Tom Wright at 905 926-6078 for more information or to book an appointment.
If you want to get your house checked for Radon this month, remember you can borrow a Radon Detector for Free with a library card at your local Kingston Frontenac Public Library. For more information you can visit or come in to the Plevna Branch Tues and Thurs from 2-6pm and Fri and Sat from 10-1pm.
Did you know Clarendon School has their Holiday Purdy's Chocolate Fundraiser again this year? The assortment of chocolate gifts are so sweet!! To place an order or to pick up a catalogue you can reach out to one of the parents, call the school or visit If you choose to order online, their campaign code is 60167. Orders are due by Nov 20th and delivery is the first week in December.
Snow Road Community Centre invites you to join them on Thurs Nov 21st from 7pm-9pm for their final music night of the season! Tickets are only $15 and The White Family always provides a fantastic evening of entertainment! For more information or to purchase tickets, you can call 613 278-1853 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The North Frontenac Santa Claus Parade and Children's Christmas Party is coming up on Sat Nov 30th! Children will be visiting with Santa at the Ompah Community Centre at 1pm. Children up to grade 8 are invited to pre-register for a gift. Registration forms are available at local stores and the Plevna Library or by contacting Michelle at 613 318-4039. To register a float, please contact Dillon at 613 650-7746 for more info. The Parade will be starting at 6pm at the North Frontenac Township Office and making its way east on the 506/509 highway ending at the Ompah Community Centre.
At 1311 Struthadam Road off River Road in Ompah, you can visit Riverhill Farm's wonderfully festive Christmas lights on Sat Nov 30th!! Until Mon Dec 30th we are invited from 5pm-9pm to drive through and enjoy over 150,000 twinkling lights they work so hard to put together for us! On Fri, Sat and Sun nights from 5pm-8pm, they will also be offering to purchase mini donuts, refreshments and wagon rides. You will also be able to shop from local craft vendors and artisans for Christmas presents on the weekends too!
The farm has organized two fireworks shows this year to try and control the traffic a little better; Sat Dec 7th and 14th at 7pm are the dates. You are invited to bring lawn chairs to enjoy the show and please remember to dress for the weather. Santa will be also visiting on the firework nights, so make sure and have your lists ready kids!
Sharbot Lake
by Greg Rodgers
Hope that everyone is considering the Life Drawing Skills group which costs $15.00 a session and will be held at the Sharbot Lake Medical Centre starting Thurs. Nov. 28. (Info: 613-812-9428 or by e-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
We’re all excited about the Township’s peanut butter food bank challenge with each district competing to bring in the most jars of peanut butter. In Sharbot Lake, which is District 3 your drop off is the Township office. All peanut butter goes to our local food bank.
Tomorrow Friday Nov. 15, Open Mic happens at the Kick and Push Brewery from 5pm-8pm, and it will be a hoot. Just a heads up, no Open Mic on November 29.
by Karen Brawley
No column; check back next week!
Debbie Lingen
Join Trinity United in Verona for a music Sunday on Nov. 17, at 10 am for a celebration of their church talent with community guests Kate and Corey Van Allen; piano and french horn.
Style Revival Clothing Center will be open Saturday, November 23, from 10 am to 1 pm. Style Revival provides gently used clothing, free of charge. They are also open every Wednesday. Location at the Verona Free Methodist Church.
BellRock Hall invites you to a Pulled Pork Dinner on Saturday, November 30 at 5 pm. Enjoy a hearty meal of pork on a bun, baked potatoes, coleslaw and dessert. Vegetarian option available. Live music by Mellow Lily. Beer and wine available. Tickets $20 Contact Kaye at 613 484 5977 or at the door (limited available)."
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- Line Spike, A Two Day Concert, Set For Canada Day Weekend In South Frontenac
- Driving Compassion: Community Champions Deliver More Than Meals
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- Addington Highlands Sets 2025 Budget – Tax Rate Up By 5.83%
- Official Plan Back Before South Frontenac Council
- Three King Charles III Coronation Award Winners from Frontenac County
- “Pickleball Lives in Piccadilly” – Frances Smith
- North Frontenac Council – March 14/25
- Refuseniks Voice Opposition to Ongoing Israeli Attacks on Gaza