Dec 11, 2024
These columns from our community reporters are updated every week.
Table of Contents
- Arden
- Battersea/Storrington
- Cloyne - Northbrooke
- Denbigh
- Godfrey
- Harlowe
- Harrowsmith
- Henderson
- Inverary
- Maberly-Bolingbroke
- Mississippi
- Ompah
- Parham-Tichborne
- Perth Road
- Plevna
- Sydenham
- Sharbot Lake
- Verona
by Brent Fehr
Monday’s + Wednesday’s - Darts at the Arden Legion at 7:30pm, 5967 Arden Road
Thursday’s - Stretch & Strengthen at Kennebec Community Centre (5998 Arden Road). 9:30 - 10:30 am, For all fitness levels from sit-fit to advanced. $1 (donation to Recreation Committee) More Information: Theresa Smith at 613 335 2286 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
December 15th - SING! Join us for a celebration of the season with many old-time favourites and carols, and be moved by some beautiful musical interludes. Sunday at 2pm, Arden United Church (1076 Railway Street, Arden, ON K0H 1B0) - Christmas Community Singalong. Families and Children welcome. Coffee, tea and hot chocolate social to follow. Goodie Bags for kids.
January 8th, 2025 - CORNHOLE is back! Wednesday’s - Kennebec Cornhole Club at Kennebec Recreation Centre (5998 Arden Road). Join us for “all ages” indoor cornhole from 1pm-4pm. $1.00 (donation to Recreation Committee). More Information: Tom Houghtling at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Barb Kirkland at 613 335 2604.
by Chris Pantrey
What kind of pictures do Santa's helper's take? Elfies!
Just want to do a quick shout out to Jeff, for continuing to publish the print copy of The Frontenac News, while the mail strike is ongoing. While I know I can access the paper online, I still prefer to sit at the kitchen table with the paper copy! So thanks Jeff, for making it available at our local businesses and in the red totes!
Remember, the Battersea United Church food drive takes place tomorrow, Friday December 13, from 1-5, at the Storrington Lion's Hall. The request is as always, please give what you are able, every little bit helps. All donations will support the Christmas food baskets as well as stocking the shelves going into the new year.
Don't like winter driving? Hogan's Helps the Holidays, free bus shuttle is Tuesday December 17 (Snow date Wednesday December 18) Leaving Battersea United Church at 9:15, Ormsbee's Mercantile at 9:30 and Inverary United Church at 9:45. Shop at Walmart from 10:15 to 12 noon, followed by a stop at Division St No Frills from 12:15 to 1:15. Returning to Inverary at 1:30, Sunbury 1:45 and Battersea at 2:00. Please contact Rev Heather to reserve your seat! Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call/text 613-353-2453.
On Saturday December 14, from 10 -3, plan to visit the Storrington Lions Hall for their Christmas market shopping experience. Over 30 vendors will be on site, with an amazing variety of gifts for everyone on your list!
This will be the last weekend (December 14 & 15) for shopping at The Log Home Holiday Market. Located at 2281 Sands Rd, from 10-4 both days, come in and meet local artisans in a cozy log home setting. For more information, details, or to book at private shopping appointment, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Our local Lion's Club does so much for our community and now they need our help! There is a list of repairs, maintenance and upgrades that will keep this hall vibrant, safe and comfortable for years to come. I don't think there are many in our community who have not attended some sort of function there! Please consider supporting them, as they have always supported the community. Check out their go fund me page, their FB page or call 613-353-6920. And to our Lion's, the new sign looks amazing!
Cloyne - Northbrooke
by Nancy Skipper
From Chelsea Robson: “Last Saturday, we enjoyed another successful Toy/Food Drive in support of our local Christmas Hamper Program. Thanks to everyone's generosity, we raised $1,448.46 and gathered an impressive collection of food and toys. A heartfelt thank you goes out to the Kaladar Barrie Fire Department for their assistance in collecting and transporting donated food items, and for providing us with a warm space and hot beverages to warm up! I also appreciate the staff at Land O Lakes Community Services for their efforts in gathering donations and for being a familiar presence during the event. Additionally, a big thank you to Northbrook Foodland for graciously allowing us to use your parking lot once again and for preparing food bags, making it easier for people to contribute! This event truly filled my heart with joy! I am grateful to all our community members who played a part in making it a success! Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas!”
The Flinton Rec Club is hosting its annual Christmas Bingo on December 16 at the Flinton Recreation Hall. Doors open at 5pm, first 50 numbers of bonanza is called at 6:20 pm and regular games start at 6:45 pm. Lots of prizes to be won!! See you all there
HO HO HO Santa and his Elves will be waiting to see you at his workshop on Saturday, December 14th 10-2 at the Lions Hall in Northbrook. Come and see what mischief the elves are up to. The Catch the Ace estimated jackpot is $3250.00.
Christmas Day dinner on Dec. 25th serving at 12:30 at the Lions Hall. Come for good food, fun, friends, and fellowship on this blessed day. Please do not sit alone at home; everyone is welcome. Take-out is available. For more information call Marylin at 613-336-1573.
Here is the Christmas Mass Schedule for St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church in Flinton & St. Kilian Catholic Church in Ardoch. Christmas Mass Schedule: Christmas Confessions: St. John the Evangelist Church in (Flinton), Saturday, December 14th- ½ hour before 7:30pm Mass & Sunday, December 15th ½ hour before 9am Mass & St. Kilian's Church (Ardoch) following 11am Mass Christmas Eve Masses- Tuesday, December 24th: St. Kilian's Church (Ardoch) will be at 4:30pm & St. John the Evangelist Church (Flinton) will be at 7:30pm Christmas Day Mass- Wednesday, December 25th will be at St. John the Evangelist Church at 9am.
Gail Fritsch
No column; check back next week!
Kelli McRobert
Happy birthday big brother -Karry Gemmell!!
Sending best wishes to Kathy Bally (Sydenham) on a speedy recovery from a broken foot!
Cole Lake FM Church will host a free pancake breakfast on December 15th at 0900. For more information call 343-333-3956.
Thank you to everyone who attended the Cole Lake Community Christmas and to the volunteers who helped with the reindeer games and activities.
Congratulations to our team North of 401 Pickleball player at Kingston Limestone Classic 2025 Qualifier: Gold, Lorie Cooper (Harrowsmith) Silver, Dennis Bally (Sydenham) & Barry Campbell (Verona) and Bronze, Bob Young (Sharbot Lake) & Tim Alton (Harrowsmith). Gold - Debra & Barry Campbell (Verona), Silver, Shelley Asselstine (Harrowsmith) & Dennis Bally (Sydenham), Gold, Silver, and Bronze, Kelli McRobert (Godfrey) & Gina Toomey (Kingston), James Simzer (Brooklin), & Jon McConnell (Perth) Way to represent!
Well done to the SF Fire and Rescue, Frontenac OPP, Joint Rescue Coordination Center, and 8 Wing Base-Trenton, on their rescue of the injured hiker in Frontenac Park. "What 3 Words" helped locate the hiker quickly and efficiently. If you are unaware of W3W, you can find details at It may save your life one day!
December 22nd, there will be a Christmas Concert held at the Cole Lake Free Methodist Church at 10:30 a.m.
Marie White
No column; check back next week!
Gregg Hamelin
The Harrowsmith Beautification Committee and South Frontenac Township have decorated the tree in the parkette, placed white reindeer cutouts, and put wreaths on the telephone poles throughout the village. Our thanks to members of the committee, Rod Crawford and to the workers from South Frontenac. Great job!! Looking forward to a Merry Christmas and the coming holidays.
Sydenham has thrown down the gauntlet and challenged us to another Peanut Butter challenge. You can follow along on social media (Facebook) for updates and donation drop off sites. One of those sites is Prime Takeout, so you can pick up lunch or dinner and drop off some peanut butter at the same time.
Thursday, December 12th, 2024 starting at 1pm is the Christmas Open House at New Leaf Link 3876 Harrowsmith Road - Harrowsmith Free Methodist Church - Right Side Door Gymnasium. Join us for sweet treats, carols and community connection.
Friday, December 13, 2024 at 7:30 Trinity United Church proudly presents "On the way to Bethlehem". Trinity United Church 6689 Hwy 38, Verona. Join us for an evening of Carols and Christmas music with the Trinity United Church Choir and Friends. Special guests: The Frontenac Youth Choir. Admission is by a donation to the Food Bank.
Saturday, December 14, 2024 Euchre night at the Harrowsmith S and A Club, 4041 Colebrook Road, Harrowsmith Ontario.
Wednesday, December 25, 2024 - if you are alone on Christmas day please come join us at the Verona Lion’s Hall for a free lunch with turkey, all the fixings, dessert, coffee and tea. There will be music and games or just come for an opportunity to visit. Reserve your place by December 20th by calling or texting 613-929-7445 or 613-539-6662.
Mark your calendar, Jeff Code is coming to the Golden Links Hall on Saturday, January 18, 2025. More information to follow.
Jean Brown
With the postal strike, Santa asked the folks at C4 Convenience in Arden to be a drop of location for his mail. The elves dropped off a mail box there on Friday night- so get your letters in kids! Also we pick up the Frontenac News there.
Area churches are proclaiming the good news with vigor and Land O’Lakes Emmanuel United Church offered an evening Christmas candle lit vigil to remember loved ones this past week hosted by the Alzheimer and Hospice groups with Pam Lemke. As well, Jean Sedore presented a journey to the Holy Land morning worship experience. Henderson United featured Advent leadership by Sharon MacDonald and Sarah Hale and is meeting on Christmas Eve at 7:00 for a candle lit service with local Henderson leadership. This Sunday afternoon Dec. 15 our sister United church in Arden features a rousing community Christmas sing-a-long at 2:00 featuring old time secular favourites, carols and toe tapping tunes to warm your heart. Families and children welcome- with goody bags for the younger folks. Coffee, tea, hot chocolate follow promising a free yummy time indeed.
Stay tuned for the peanut butter totals and the hopeful announcement that our District of Kennebec has won!! Please get your jars in by Dec. 16- and the Township office in Sharbot Lake has a donation box for each district, and drop offs also possible at Arden Post Office, Olden Hall in Mountain Grove, Hope’s Store in Parham and Godfrey General Store in Godfrey.
This Sat. afternoon Dec. 14 the Arden Legion will feature an Open Mic from 1- 5 and it’s free- with food/beverages to purchase on site. I hope that Neil Purchase of our area sings our signature Hunting Anthem tune “I Got a Brand New Deer Stand”.
This is such a cheery time of year with thanks to all Christmas secret Angels working quietly behind the scenes.
This Sun. Dec. 15 Harlowe Wesleyan Church will offer the special music of Ron Lemke and Brooke Gunsinger to the glory of God during church, followed by a pot-luck lunch and everyone is welcome.
by Judy Borovskis
Canadian Neo-Junior Long Track Championships – Congratulations to Henry Ormsbee who has qualified for this event hosted by Speed Skating Canada. The top 40 male and 40 female skaters across Canada aged 14 to 15 qualified to compete. Henry will be in Fort St. John, British Columbia participating from December 13 to 15.
Rotary Cash Calendars 313 draws! $15,000 in prizes – yours for $20. Calendars available at Inverary Pharmasave, Mrs Garrett's Bakery, Maple Country, Sydenham Pet Store, Willows Feeds, and Wilton Cheese. Beautiful pictures by local photographers - a great Christmas gift!
Food Bank! Next collection for the Food Bank is on Friday December 13th at the Lion’s Hall from 1 pm to 5 pm. Items on the wish list are pasta, sauces, bread, soup, snacks, cereal, juice, butter, vegetables and meat. All donations are gladly accepted!
The Log Home Holiday Market 2281 Sands Rd, off Battersea Rd. December 14 & 15 from 10-4. Hand made gift items for everyone on your list. Leather, wood, fabric, jewelry and more! For info or if you'd prefer private shopping - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Christmas Market shopping experience at Storrington Lions Club Hall on Saturday, December 14th from 10:00 am. to 3:00 pm.. More than 30 vendors will be on hand to showcase their crafts and items.
Chris Murphy & Turpin’s Trail in concert at Inverary United Church on Sunday December 15th at 2:00 pm. A musical event you will definitely enjoy! Free will offering.
No Need to be Alone on Christmas Day. Join us at the Verona Lion’s Hall for a free lunch with turkey and all the fixings, dessert, coffee and tea. Enjoy music & games or just come for a visit. Reserve your place by December 20th. Call or text 613-929-7445 or 613-539- 6662.
Karen Prytula
No column; check back next week!
No column; check back next week!
by Leane Bailey
On Dec. 7th., Stan, Marily, and Leane had a fun time singing with The Tay Valley Community Choir as we presented a concert called “A Festive Mix”. If you would like to join the choir, you can apply on the Tay Valley website at: for the spring season which starts on January 29th. Practices are held at the Maberly Hall on Wednesday’s at 2:30pm.
The Ompah Christmas Cookie Exchange is on Dec. 14th, from 10am to 11am. Bring a dozen or two of your favourite cookies to exchange with others, while enjoying a chat over tea/coffee/hot chocolate, and a few cookies with fellow cookie bakers.
The December Birthday Bash/Christmas Potluck is on Dec.18th at 6pm at the Ompah Community Centre. We are serving a delicious Beef Stew, so please bring along side dishes and desserts. We hope you will join us, as we sing Christmas Carols, and enjoy music from the Ompah Choir.
The Community fridge in the foyer often holds veggies or canned goods etc. Everyone is welcome to take whatever is useful to you, or to drop something off.
Please join us on Wednesday mornings for coffee and treats starting at 10am. It’s a great way to meet your Ompah neighbours and friends. While you are there drop by the library which is open on Wednesdays and Saturdays from 10am to noon. (Note: There are no coffees on the first Wednesday of the Month, when the Community Café is held). The Ompah Community Centre also offers weekly activities such as exercise groups, and Bridge games, drop by the community centre to find out more.
by Christine Teal and Colleen Steele
Happy Birthday to Vern Crawford who will celebrate on the 28th of this month.
Thinking of you to Lloyd Whan.
Due to circumstances beyond our control "Steele's Apiaries" are out of honey! Thank you for your patronage.
Sure were a lot of beautiful items doing justice to the theme of this years Festival of Trees. Congratulation to all the lucky winners. The Gala held on the Thursday was well attended it was a great start to the event. The music played during the event was pleasant to listen to we have such talent from this area.
Big thank you to Cheryl Matson for helping the clients at the Seniors Retirement Home make some beautiful wreaths to hand on their doors.
The Ecumenical Christmas Carol Service at the St. James Major Catholic Church was enjoyed by all. The fellowship and snacks that followed completed the Sunday afternoon.
Have you registered for the Central Frontenac Light Contest? Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for a form and then fill it out and return it to the same email address or drop off at the Municipal Office.
Lots of fun things to do this weekend...District #4 Recreation Committee is hosting a Children's Christmas Party at the CE Building at 1035 Wagarville Road in Parham on Saturday from 10 am to noon - join us for games, crafts and a visit with Santa.
Then don't forget to come to the OSO Hall for a Visit with Santa from 3pm to 5pm before the nighttime parade begins at 5:30.
Perth Road
by Peter Bird
PERTH ROAD UNITED CHURCH: Sunday services continue at 10am. Address: 5614 Perth Rd Crescent, Perth Road, ON K0H 2L0. SUNDAY SCHOOL program is available for children. Newcomers welcome.
Happy Birthday or Anniversary to those with December Birthdays or Anniversaries.
Christmas Eve: Family Candle Lighting Service at Perth Road United Church at 7pm
Wilmer Church: Christmas Eve Lessons and Carols Service. Wilmer Road Church at 8:30pm.
Thanks to all who took part or attended the Saint Andrews Day Tea and Social.
For information about The Sunday School Hall rentals, please call Vera Shepherd at 613-353-2470 or Stephen Bach at 343-364-1033.
by Rhonda Watkins
If you didn't make it out for the Clar-Mill Community volunteers festive Christmas Turkey Dinner on Mon Dec 9th, you were one of the few. The hall was filled with smiling faces and delicious turkey! A huge thank you to their president; Stephanie Lemke and to the other amazing people in this group for all of their tireless efforts in organizing this evening and all the other successful events they did this past year
15 people came out to enjoy our second last Euchre of the season last Tuesday night in Plevna. Congratulations to Mike B. for winning the high score prize with 88 and the most lone hands with 5.
The Special Christmas Bingo hosted by the Flinton Rec Club is Mon Dec 16th at 32 Edward Street at the Flinton Rec Centre. There are Door prizes to be won too!! Doors open at 5pm and games start at 6:45pm.
Have you been out to Riverhill Farms Wonderfully Festive Christmas lights yet this year? Their fireworks last Saturday night were amazing and they are providing one more fireworks night for our enjoyment this Saturday December 14th at 7pm. It's Free admission, but donations are accepted to go towards our enjoyment for next season!
Until Monday December 30th from 5-9 pm, you can go and enjoy a drive through to enjoy over 200,000 Christmas lights that the crew there worked so hard to put together for us! They are located at 1311 Struthadam Road off of River Road in Ompah. On Saturday and Sunday nights, while you are there, make sure and visit the Flamingo They also have the holiday wagon rides available again this year which is always fun for everybody! When you need to warm up, stop in to the Christmas Craft building and check out all the great Christmas present ideas and visit with Santa!
Have you contacted MaryAnn at 905 213-3820 yet to add your name to the list for The Clar-Mill Community Volunteers Cornhole League? If there is enough interest, It will start Thursday January 9, 2025 at 7pm at the Clar-Mill Hall (6598 Buckshot Lake Road). It will cost $5 per week and teams will be determined by draw each week
Sincere condolences from our community to the family and friends of Rose Tooley, Brenda Peters, and May Thomas MacDonald, who recently passed away.
Sharbot Lake
by Greg Rodgers
Much gratitude is being expressed in Sharbot Lake to our local “Villages Beautiful” committee for their organizing of last week’s “Festival of Trees.” This event has always been an important staple on our community life, but this year’s event resulted in a great gathering of our community over the course of the 3-day event. This year’s highlight was the opening night gala, that included wine and appetizers; presentation of the winning trees, baskets and miscellaneous entries; and a lot of good will having been expressed among those in attendance. The following days of the event saw good crowds and great local entertainment. The organizers did a great job in setting the tone for the holiday season in our village.
This week, the season’s events continue with:
Friday (Dec 13) Turkey Bingo – (A holiday season twist on the regularly scheduled Friday Bingo nights 5:30pm – Soldiers Memorial (OSO) Hall
Saturday (Dec 14) Santa Clause Parade 5:30pm – Soldiers Memorial (OSO) Hall
by Karen Brawley
No column; check back next week!
Debbie Lingen
Trinity Christmas Concert: The annual Christmas concert will be held on Friday, December 13 at 7:30pm. Trinity United Church. Special guests are the Frontenac Youth Choir, Christopher Hall (soloist) and Ruth Pettis (bells).
Community Breakfast will be held December 14 from 8:30 to 11am at the Verona Lions Center. Cost by donation. All proceeds go to the Sydenham high school track and field team.
Enjoy the Christmas Celebration featuring Vocal Legacy on Sunday December 15 at 10am, Verona Free Methodist Church.
Style Revival Clothing Center will be open Saturday, December 21, from 10am to 1pm. Style Revival provides gently used clothing, free of charge. They are also open every Wednesday. Location at the Verona Free Methodist Church.
Enjoy a free Christmas Dinner on Wednesday, December 25 at the Verona Lions Club, Open at 10:30am with the meal served at noon.
Call 613-539-6662 or 613-929-7445 to register.
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- Line Spike, A Two Day Concert, Set For Canada Day Weekend In South Frontenac
- Driving Compassion: Community Champions Deliver More Than Meals
- Frontenac County inches towards Doctor Recruitment
- Addington Highlands Sets 2025 Budget – Tax Rate Up By 5.83%
- Official Plan Back Before South Frontenac Council
- Three King Charles III Coronation Award Winners from Frontenac County
- “Pickleball Lives in Piccadilly” – Frances Smith
- North Frontenac Council – March 14/25
- Refuseniks Voice Opposition to Ongoing Israeli Attacks on Gaza