| Mar 16, 2016

Housekeeping Amendments to Zoning By-law

Planner Lindsay Mills recommended a number of zoning by-law amendments to ‘correct minor errors/omissions’ in both mapping and text of the document. During the public meeting, several present expressed concern about Mills’ proposals in relation to existing buildings within the required 30 metre setback. Section 5.10.2 addresses the degree of renovation allowable for such a building, which on occasion has included building from the foundation up on the same footprint. Mills revision clearly says that reconstruction is prohibited: “once the walls of an existing structure within the…30 metre setback have been removed, the land is deemed to be vacant and the structure may not be reconstructed within the 30 metre setback.” He also proposed removing section 5.11 which permits replacement of a legal non-conforming structure under certain conditions such as destruction by fire, flood, etc.

During the discussion that followed, Councillor McDougall suggested using the Committee of Adjustment to decide individual situations. “They have a legal, thoughtful way of dealing with such issues.” Others suggested postponing a decision until summer, when cottage owners could be present. Mayor Vandewal said this was too long a delay: “It would just open the floodgates and everyone would start to build right away (while they still can).” Jennifer Garrah of Fotenn said any decision would be premature until there was a full review and consultation process: “This should not be just a formalization of what the planner has always done.”

In the end, Council passed all of the motion except for the issues related to buildings existing within the 30 metre setback, which were deferred for two months for further consideration.

Electric Vehicle for Township Fleet?

Deputy Mayor Sutherland’s notice of motion that staff recommend to Council “how best to integrate an electric vehicle into the Township’s fleet” was passed after having been amended to read that “staff evaluate the merits of integrating an electric vehicle…”

2015 Deficit Addressed

ln 2015 expenses came out $429,214 over budget. This was increased to $517,011 after the year end surplus of $87,797 from the 2015 Winter Maintenance budget was transferred into the Winter Reserve. The cost overruns for upgrades and preparation to Centennial Park were funded from the working funds reserve and the remaining deficit was covered by reductions in the Public Works 2016 budget. the major savings was accomplished by deleting the $400,000 Westport Road Culvert project. Only the Culvert design will be kept in this year’s budget.

Arena Board Loan

Council approved a short-term loan to the Arena Board, which will enable them to do major work over the summer ‘down time’ before they are able to access their reserve funds in early September.

Petworth/Jackson Quarry Expansion Rezoning Approved

Because of the unusual nature of this quarry (no blasting and no increase in tonnage) this zoning will permit residential development up to within 150 metres of the quarry property.

Anderson Road Reconstruction Nearing Completion

Segsworth reported that this emergency work is expected to be accomplished for less than the originally estimated $50,000.

Sydenham Village Parking Restrictions

The current “Wild West” style of parking in Sydenham Village will soon be a memory, with hefty fines in store for the sidewalk-in-front-of-the-bank parkers and hydrant-blockers. Council passed the parking by-law proposed by Public Works Manager Mark Segsworth, which will include a handicapped parking space near the drugstore, and turn Cross Street into a (the Township’s first?) one-way street. Segsworth said that two problem areas remain to be reviewed further: Rutledge Road in front of the High School, and George Street between Bedford and Wheatley.

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