Wilma Kenny | Nov 09, 2016
The meeting began with a minute of silence for remembrance.
FIT 5.0 Solar Projects
Two proposals were brought to Council hoping for Township endorsement which, although not essential to the final project, can be a help in getting further approval. The Icarus (Rutledge Road) application will come forward to next week’s Council meeting for consideration. The second one, Soventex/Wintergreen, brought by David Hahn, had been turned down by last week’s Council meeting, on the grounds that they had not done the required preparatory presentation. They will therefore have to wait for a formal notice of motion to reopen the matter.
OMB Review
The province is seeking input into their current review of the OMB process. The Association of Municipalities has provided a position paper and a guide to the consultation. Described as “a dense document” by Councillor McDougall, this will be brought back for further discussion and recommendation at the next Committee of the Whole meeting, after Council members have some time to study it. The two core principles of the OMB reform seem to be: a greater role for municipalities, and the establishment of some form of adjudication process.
Committee Chair Term Appointments
Staff requested clarification of the policy that chairs of committees should serve a maximum of two years. The Corporate Services Committee has asked how broadly this policy should apply: what about sub committees? Committees like the Pumpkinfest or the Verona Community Association, which, as Councillor Mcdougall commented, “Aren’t really our business.” After a discussion, council opinion was fairly evenly split. The question will come back to Council next week for a vote.
All-Day Budget Meeting
Council will meet this Saturday beginning at 9:00 to work through the 2017 budget.
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