| Apr 12, 2017

Some senior residents of Southern Frontenac were delighted and surprised a week ago Tuesday (April 4) when Mayor Ron Vandewal and members of the local Fire and Rescue team delivered their noon meal. It was all part of a promotion to raise the profile of Southern Frontenac Community Services’ weekly Hot Meals on Wheels program. (Menu this week was soup, salmon with dill sauce, rice and brussels sprouts, or mac and cheese as the alternate main, and chocolate oat bar for dessert.)

Vandewal later commented that it had been fun, getting to have a brief chat with people, most of whom he knew.

The program’s volunteers currently deliver 30 meals every Tuesday, and the number continues to grow. The hot meals ($7) supplement a wide menu range of frozen meals ($5) which are also available. To register, or just try out a meal or two, contact Joanne Silver, coordinator of meal programs at (613) 376-6477, ext 303 or 1-800-763-9610, or: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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