| May 10, 2017

In conjunction with the Kingston Community Health Centre, Registered Nurses Annie Campbell (Verona) and Meredith Prikker (Sydenham) offer 6 week courses in the spring and fall for Frontenac County residents with chronic diseases and chronic pain.

The spring course, Living Well with Chronic Disease, is aimed at people with lung or heart disease, diabetes, kidney disease, those who have suffered a stroke or have another long term condition. Anyone can attend, no doctor referrals are needed.

“The course offers coping strategies, it deals with the emotional, physical and social aspects of living with a chronic condition, and is also useful for caregivers,” said Meredith Prikker.

The workshops, which will run on 6 consecutive Wednesdays from 1:30 to 4:00 starting on May 24 at the Verona medical clinic, are being offered by Annie Campbell and Meridith Prikker

The workshops were designed by Stanford University in order to bring people together to help find ways of coping with their challenges. Registration is on a first come, first served basis and up to 12 people can be accommodated. For further information, contact Annie Campbell at the Verona clinic by calling 613-374-2077.

Living Well With Chronic Pain will be offered in Verona again September, and a series may be offered in Sydenham once the new clinic is up and running.

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