Jeff Green | Jan 10, 2013
t was a quiet opening of the year for members of South Frontenac Council, with the only cointrentious issue being one that is not yet before Council. There was a sizable crowd of people in attendance at the first meeting, but at the start of the meeting Mayor Davison pointed out that the issue that the crowd came to hear about was not on the agenda.
"I expect you are all here to find out about a subdivision proposal in the Hartington, adn we have two letters about it that as part of our information pacakge, but there is nothing on the agenda about that project tonight. So far the township has not received anything about that project, so there is nothing forn us to o about it. If someone is digging or drilling on their own proeprty it is not a concern of the township until they come forward with something. I just wanted to let you poeple know about that so you aren't waiting here for something to happen that isn't goignt o happen," Davision said.
There were to letters in the information package about a proposed subdivision on Part of Lot 7 Concession 7, Portland District, which was called the "proposed Asselstine suibdivision development by in the letters, whichwere sritten by Dan and Sandra Bell and Bill and Virgina Redmond. The Redmonds and the Bells both live on Boyce Road, and bot expressed cocners about the impact of a ssubdivision on water quality, traffic flow, sewage, etc.
"If we do get a zoning amendment or subdivision application we will hold public meetings," said Davision, "but as of now the township has nothing to look at."
Changes in committee structure
CAO Wayne Orr syubmitted a report listing the committees of Council that have one year appointments attached to them. these inlcuded the Public Services, Corporate Services, and Development Services Commitees as well as the Committee of Adjustment.
BEfore appointing members of Counciln to the committees, questions were raised about the way the committees are structured. While a concensus emerged that the Public and Corporate Services Commitees are working effectively, the need for the Development Servcies Committee, which meets rarely, was questioned. As well, the possibillity of cutting the Council representation ferom 4 to 1 on the Committeee of Adjustment, was raised. ther are four members of the public, one from each ward, serving four year terms on the Committee of Adjustment, and it was put forth that a single Councillor who would chair the committee, might be sufficient.
CAO Orr said that it would be wise tro defer the questrions that were being raised to a Committee of the Whole meeting on Janaury 29th, as long as the existing memebrs of the Public and Corporate Services Committeees could remain in place for anotehr month so the committees can carry on their wrok. This was done.
Kudos to Public Works from Bill Robinson
Councillor Bill Robinson, who has on occasion been critical of the Public Works departmetn over the years, rose to say that the department has done an "excellent job keeping the roads plowed this winter."
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