Jeff Green | Nov 29, 2012
by Wilma Kenny
Seniors’ Housing for Verona?
Jamie Curragh asked Council for their feedback on his proposal to build a two-storey, 10-unit seniors housing complex in Verona.
Curragh’s plans are still in the early stages. He showed a sketch of a potential layout and quoted a recent study published by the County of Frontenac, which identifies the need for more seniors’ housing in the Verona area. He is presently in the process of gathering information about the zoning and planning requirements for such a project, and working on his business plan.
Council complimented him on his work to date, and asked that he keep them informed of his plans.
Harrowsmith Subdivision Closed Down
It’s unlikely many Harrowsmith residents are even aware of the 126-year old subdivision on the northeast corner of the village off Church Street, bounded by two surveyed but otherwise nonexistent streets called Park Street and John Street. Lawyer Peter Radley came to Council on behalf of Mrs. Shirley Hole, who has discovered that her house is not only in the middle of John Street, but apparently had been built there in 1880, six years before the subdivision plan was approved. None of the subdivision lots have ever been developed. Lawyer Radley noted that there is provision to close a subdivision plan after eight years if it is “not moving ahead” by that time, and asked if Council would consider closing John Street, and granting Mrs. Hole clear title to her property. Council agreed, but asked if Mrs. Hole in return would give the township a corner of her lot, presently used as a turning area for snow plows. Everett Kerr, who owns the adjoining field, offered to give the township a strip of land so John Street could be relocated a short distance to the east, and provide access to the back part of his property. This will come to a regular council meeting for official approval.
Motorized Traffic on Cataraqui Trail
Council received a letter drawing their attention to the frequent, illegal use of the Cataraqui Trail west of Sydenham by 4 wheelers, dirt bikes, trucks and farm vehicles. The writer asked why there were no gates on the trail, as there are from Sydenham east. Councilor Stowe said the Cataraqui Conservation Authority has money budgeted for more gates, which should be installed soon. Public Works Manager Segsworth said it was important to see that the gates would leave enough space to allow accessibility for motorized wheelchairs, which are a permitted use on the trail.
January Meeting Schedule
Township offices will be closed between Christmas and New Year, with staff using three days' vacation time. Because New Year falls on a Tuesday, all January Council meetings will be moved forward one week: the first 2013 Council meeting will be January 8.
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