Wilma Kenny | Apr 03, 2014
Support for Kemptville Campus
Further to Deputy Mayor Vandewal’s notice of motion, Council voted to support North Grenville’s resolution to keep the Kemptville Agricultural College campus open. Because of its importance to Eastern Ontario, local farming organizations have contributed financially over the years to this program, and hope it will continue.
Planning Report re Proposed Quarry Expansion in Portland
Planner Mills presented a detailed report explaining the relationship between an application under the Planning Act to amend the Official Plan to permit expansion of a quarry, and an application under the Aggregate Resources Act for a licence to expand a quarry. Both are necessary. The Official Plan amendment deals mainly with compatibility with surrounding land uses. The licence application requires more technical studies such as Impact Assessment (effects on fauna and flora), Archeological Assessment, Water Table Assessment and site plan. These have all been submitted.
The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MMA&H) is the authority for final approval of any Official Plan amendment. The process is that the Municipality hold a public meeting, then forward the minutes and all comments to the MMA&H for their review. (Present stage of this process.) If the Ministry supports the application, the necessary bylaw will come to council for readings, then return to the Ministry again for final approval (or denial.) The MNR will not issue their license until Council has approved the zoning by-law amendment.
Presently, both applications are being processed: it is expected that it will take another eight to ten months to arrive at a final decision.
Council’s Recommendation re Quarry Applications
Council made a motion that; “The MNR defer any decision on quarry applications until such time that the official plan amendment and the rezoning applications have been finalized. And that the MMAH be advised that Council has serious concerns with the unfair application, on neighbouring properties, of the one-sided application of the area of influence requirements.”
Radio-communication Towers
The location, design and construction of these towers in Canada is the exclusive jurisdiction of Industry Canada, which has the consultation protocol of contacting all residents within a radius of three times the height of the tower. South Frontenac has required that a public meeting also be held to answer questions and address concerns. Although residents have no real say in the tower location, planner Mills reported that Industry Canada will often consider the public’s concerns and modify the towers’ location as long as it still meets the service area requirements.
Public Works Tenders
Council approved Kal Tires bid of $99,887 for supply and repair of the Township’s tires for 2014. Segsworth said this is the first year tires have been treated as a separate budget item, and allows the Township to benefit from their purchasing power.
Council approved the bid of Avery Weigh-Tronix for the supply and installation of a portable 60 foot truck weigh scale system at the Portland waste disposal site. This will permit a more accurate record of waste, which has until now been assessed by volume.
The 2014 tender for street sweeping and catch basin cleaning was awarded to Percy Snider.
Portland Waste Disposal Site
Segsworth reported that due to cooperation from the Quinte Conservation Authority, better understanding of the hydrology of the area, and clearance of blocked culverts on the K&P trail, there is no longer water at the foot of the Portland waste slope.
Council endorsed his recommended revised action plan to mitigate environmental impacts at the site. This plan will include; water level management, establishing surface water monitoring locations in consultation with the MOE, completion of partial cap and buffer by fall 2014, continued operational plan improvements along with the installation of weigh scales, and increased diversion from disposal.
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