Jun 26, 2014
In an effort to get young students involved with the Canadian Cancer Society's Relay for Life, staff at Prince Charles Public School in Verona held their own special Relay for Life event at the school on June 20. The school’s Relay is now in its fourth year and included a presentation in the gym in which Cam Whalen, a fundraiser/relationship manager with the Canadian Cancer Society in Eastern Ontario, spoke about the importance of the CCS's annual Relay event and how the funds raised are used to help individuals battling the disease. School Principal Peter Dendy invited his mother Joyce Dendy, a cancer survivor, to participate in the PCPS relay. Joyce who was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1997, underwent surgery and treatment, and is now cancer free. I spoke to her at the event and she stressed the importance of women getting regular mammograms. She said that she regularly takes part in the annual Kingston Breast Cancer Action Kingston Walk as well. She was pleased to be able to come to the school and said that the event is an important one for students. “As time goes on students will remember these kinds of events and will come to realize that they have done something to help”, she said.
After the formal gym presentation, Joyce proceeded to the school’s track and lapped it, after which she received multiple “high fives” from the students as she passed by. The students were then invited to Relay on the track along with her.
Prior to the relay students were given envelopes and asked to fundraise and it was announced at the presentation that they raised over $2,000 for the cause. Leading up to the event students were made aware of various cancer statistics and the importance of raising funds so that more research can be done and more services can be made available to those diagnosed the disease.
Lisa Cousins-Badour, who teaches at the school, said the Relay is an important way of making students aware of the disease, how best to prevent it and how to help support the efforts of the CCS. Congratulations to all of the students, who not only reached but surpassed their $2,000 goal. Students who raised the most funds will be winning a special prize; they will be dyeing PCPS teacher Ms. Edmonds’ hair as a reward for their efforts.
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