Wilma Kenny | Dec 10, 2014
Council Sets Goal of 2%-2.5% Increase for 2015 Budget
In recent years South Frontenac has held budget deliberations throughout November and by this time of year, would have had the Township portion of the budget (excluding County and Education levies) pretty well thrashed out. The election has necessitated this process be moved to the new year.
CAO Orr brought a general summary of major budget issues facing Council, and requested their direction in setting a target increase in the Township’s levy for 2015. Orr’s report pointed out that although Council in the past few years has increased investment in capital projects and service delivery, decreases in Education and County levies have resulted in an overall decrease in property taxes for the average taxpayer since 2011.
On the other hand, The Township faces increased OPP costs, a 1% staff wage increase commitment, and a reduction in Kingston’s contribution to upkeep of arterial roads.There are also commitments to maintain deteriorating infrastructure and buildings, meet Provincial/regulatory pressures, meet expectations for increased services in snow clearing of roads and sidewalks, enhanced weed control, facilities and solid waste, etc. All this must be balanced against political pressure to control costs and maintain taxes.
Orr asked Council to provide direction to guide staff in the development of the 2015 preliminary capital and operating budgets. Based on Council’s direction staff will prepare a draft budget, assess impacts, review alternatives and present the details to Council for their budget meetings which will begin in mid-January. Goal is to achieve budget approval by March 3.
Council was in general agreement that an increase in the Township levy of 2% to 2.5% would be acceptable.
Proposed Official Plan Amendment
Planner Lindsay Mills presented background information on a proposed Official Plan amendment which would permit the creation of a subdivision with freehold (ie, not condominium) lots to be located on a private lane which will be commonly maintained, as in a condominium development. Mills said that this would avoid the maintenance issues now common to shared private lanes, without requiring the Township to assume the road once the subdivision is complete. The province is now requiring that any new lanes created in Ontario be established as a common element in a condominium. (even though the lots they serve may be independently owned). This proposal will be brought to a public meeting at next week’s Council meeting, Dec 16.
New Sound System
Council directed staff to obtain and install an integrated sound system in the township hall which will make it easier for councillors, staff and the public to be able to hear the speakers during meetings.
Committee Structure and Procedural Bylaw Update
Considerable discussion accompanied these issues, which will be decided on at next week’s Council meeting.
New E-Newsletter on its Way
The Clerk’s Department is initiating a quarterly e-newsletter to provide updates from all departments, to include information about issues such as road construction projects, winter road maintenance, updates on the budget process, changes to garbage and recycling schedules, etc. The first edition will be available through the Township’s website in January 2015.
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