Wilma Kenny | Dec 18, 2014
Common Element Lanes in Subdivisions
A public meeting was held on the subject of amending the Official Plan to permit roads within subdivisions to be designated common elements, to be maintained by residents as a condominium feature, in relation to the Magenta waterfront development. Several residents expressed concern: Peter Roos asked, “How will this benefit the township?” Developer Mike Keene spoke in favour of the change, saying that most cottage roads in Haliburton and Muskoka were being zoned this way.
Planner Mills said there were concerns about long-term effects of this sort of zoning, and that he would like to have a lawyer’s opinion. Although the report will go to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs, any final decision on the matter will rest with the township.
Term appointments to Township Committees
Deputy Mayor McDougall brought a motion that all future volunteer appointments to township committees should be limited to two terms, or eight years, in order to bring in more volunteers, and fresh ideas. This was passed.
Massive Staff Report Requested
Councillor Schjerning brought a notice of motion that requests “a comprehensive report outlining areas where the township is not in compliance with all applicable federal or provincial statutory requirements.” This motion asks that such a report include full details on any areas of non-compliance, to include what is required to become compliant, how much time and expense would be required, and potential liability of non-compliance. This would address 19 acts and their regulations, as well as all township bylaws. The motion asked that this report be completed by February 1, a week before Council’s all-day budget session. In speaking to the motion, Schjerning said he was in no way criticizing the work of previous councils, but that this information would assist the current council in their strategic planning and budgeting.
In response, CAO Orr said that although there was no question that the municipality was not in 100% compliance with every bylaw, piece of legislation and regulation, they are also limited in staff and fiscal resources, and by the need to maintain service delivery. He suggested the end of March would be a more realistic deadline.
Councillor Revill said, “My impression is that our township’s in pretty good shape, particularly in terms of complying with regulatory matters: I’d prefer we give staff the time needed (to do this report).”
Councillor Sutherland said, “This looks like an impossible task; [we’re talking about] a hugely complicated set of acts and by-laws. This is a relatively complex township. I’d prefer something that hits on any major areas where we’re out of sync. Also, this is a moving target: I’d just ask for a ‘best effort’.”
Deputy Mayor McDougall suggested that perhaps this was something council could address as a group, two or three topics at a time, as a form of in-service training. Schjerning said he did not want to see this process postponed to next year’s budget.
Mayor Vandewal said staff should be given six months: “This is way too onerous to ask, particularly when budget planning is being done late, because this has been an election year.”
In the end, the motion was amended to permit a March 31 deadline for the report, and passed.
Winter Roads Maintenance
Councillor Schjerning brought forward a motion that all township roads with full-time residents should be identified and provided full winter maintenance for the 2014/15 winter season.
Several councillors objected, on the grounds that this process is already underway, and in the hands of the Public Service Committee. McDougall said staff had been working on this for two years, and it was a complicated issue. Wayne Orr noted that the township has no standard to define permanent residency. Councillor Roberts said he was not comfortable with agreeing to a project with an unknown cost. Mayor Vandewal said that the motion seemed premature. The motion was deferred.
Johnson/Loughborough Lake
Staff is preparing a report for the new council on the history of the Johnson/Loughborough Lake condo application, which will be available well before an open public session is set up.
Energy Conservation/Municipal Loan Program
Council agreed with Councillor Sutherland’s motion that more information be provided about this loan program. McDougall said the County has one prepared, and will be available to present it.
Public Works Reports
Public Works Manager Segsworth reported that the township’s program to provide upgrading assistance to private lanes, now in its seventh year, has been very successful, with 24 lanes submitting applications last year. He recommends consideration be given to increasing the amount available for the program in next year’s budget.
Council accepted Segsworth’s recommendation that Kingston Utilities’ contract for maintenance of the Sydenham Water Plant be extended to the end of 2015.
Holiday Hours
SF Township office will be closed in the week between Christmas and New Year, re-opening on Friday January 2.
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