Jeff Green | Mar 11, 2015
Former MPP and long-time member of the provincial cabinet, John Gerretson, was on hand to speak about the important role that Southern Frontenac Community Services (SFCS) agency plays in the lives of local residents at the campaign launch for this year's enhancement campaign on Friday, March 6 at the Grace Centre in Sydenham.
Last year, Southern Frontenac Community Services (SFCS) embarked on their first enhancement campaign, in order to help cover shortfalls in funding and provide services for all of the seniors and families in financial difficulty who come to them for help each year.
The campaign was a resounding success, raising $57,000 - $7,000 over its goal.
This year, the second annual campaign is going to require even more community support, even though the goal is the same at $50,000.
The William J. Henderson Foundation made a one-time donation of $25,000 last year, giving strong and early momentum to that campaign. Without that boost, this year's campaign needs to be even more successful.
However the campaign is not starting out from scratch either. At the launch, campaign chair Mark Segsworth revealed that a number of donors have already come through, and $17,000 (34% of the goal) has already been raised.
The enhancement campaign differs from other fundraising campaigns for service agencies because it is not devoted to raising money for a new building or to start up a new service, but goes directly into service delivery for existing programs.
“The money is needed because we are committed to ensuring that anyone who comes to us and demonstrates they are eligible for service is able to receive it,” said David Townsend, executive director of SFCS.
Programs at SFCS are supported by the United Way, the Ministry of Health (through the Local Health Integration Network), the Housing First Initiative of the City of Kingston (with financial support from the Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing), and by donations from the foundations and the public.
The launch of its second Annual Enhancement Campaign also marks the 26th anniversary of SFCS.
SFCSC provides seniors’ services in South Frontenac and rural Kingston, north of the 401. The agency also provides financial assistance to low-income households in South, Central and North Frontenac townships and offers a food bank to qualifying residents in South Frontenac.
The enhancement campaign will feature a number of events in the coming months, since it extends until June.
For further information about the campaign or to donate, contact SFCS at 613-376-6477 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Mark Segsworth at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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