Wilma Kenny | Sep 03, 2015
A colonial reminder
Mayor Vandewal opened the meeting by acknowledging that on September 9, Queen Elizabeth will become the longest-reigning Sovereign of Canada. Council has proclaimed Wednesday, Sept 9 to be a day of celebration in Her Majesty’s honour.
Proposed Mandatory Peer Reviews for All Developments
Councillor Sleeth had made a notice of motion that; “Council require peer reviews of all technical studies for all developments.”
In a report , CAO Orr detailed a number of reasons why the motion, as worded, is far too broad and might lead to unintended consequences. He recommended the motion be deferred until a more thorough policy could be developed. Sleeth agreed, adding a time frame of 60 days for the revised motion to come back to Council. Councillor Sutherland suggested the County and CRCA should be asked for their input to the policy. Council agreed, and deferred the motion.
Classification of Agricultural Land
Council agreed with a notice of motion proposed by Councillor Sutherland, directing staff to ask the Ministry of Food and Agriculture why the area of class 1 agricultural land between Boyce Road, Petworth Road, Road 38 and Watson Road was zoned rural rather than agricultural. The motion also asked the Planning Department to explain how Council could rezone rural land to agricultural. (Mayor Vandewal suggested that there were other parcels of land in the township that this could apply to: Sutherland agreed, but said these could perhaps be identified and dealt with at a later date, rather than delay addressing the Hartington issue.) The motion was seconded and passed.
Corporate Communications and Service Level
Councillor Schjerning spoke to his notice of motion to direct staff to develop a policy which would standardize staff responses to inquiries (ie, the computerized equivalent of designing township stationery to be used in all staff communications, and a policy setting optimum response times to queries.) Council referred the matter to the Corporate Services Committee.
Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund (OCIF)
Public Works Manager Segsworth proposed that reconstruction of the Sunbury Road be submitted for OCIF funding under the recently announced second round (deadline Sept 11). This surface treated road is part of the 401 EDR, and needs reconstruction to be able to withstand the very heavy traffic loads demanded of an emergency detour. The project is estimated at $5,000,000, with the Township’s share of 10%.
Lease Renewed
Council agreed to renew the Frontenac Society of Model Engineers’ five-year lease of the overflow parking lot of the Battersea ball diamond, with additional permission for the group to construct a 10’x40’ storage facility (resembling an old-time railway station) to house their model railway equipment.
Unsanctioned Outdoor Music Events
Council responded to complaints about amplified public concerts advertised to be held on the site of the annual Loughborough Lake Guitar Festival (which is sanctioned by Council) at other times of the year. They will ask the by-law officer to investigate and take appropriate action.
County’s 150th Celebrations Deemed a Big Success
Council congratulated the County for throwing a well-attended three-day party in Harrowsmith’s Centennial Park last weekend. South Frontenac’s Public Works Department was praised for their excellent work in upgrading and preparing the park for the event.
September Meeting Schedule
There will be no COW meeting on Sept 29, the fifth Tuesday in the month.
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