Wilma Kenny | Sep 24, 2015
(absent: Councillors Robinson, Schjerning, Sleeth, and CAO Orr)
By-Law enforcement: Neighbour’s Livestock
Trevor Piat of Harrowsmith spoke of his neighbour’s increasing number (currently 6 or 7) of horses on a three-acre residential lot. The horses frequently cross into Piat’s garden, causing damage and posing a danger to his small children. Previous appeals to the Township for enforcement of the livestock by-law have had no result. Council agreed to have the by-law officer look into the problem, and they also discussed the dual responsibility of neighbours to maintain boundary fences.
Unassumed Roads
In response to a request from Council for a listing of all unassumed roads in the Township and a process that could be used for assuming some of them, Public Works Manager Segsworth said the information was not readily available, for many of the Township’s over 600 private lanes traverse portions of unopened road allowances. To establish a process for identifying all these roads and following through on locating, and having them upgraded then assumed, “would be a significant undertaking for staff, and there would be other initiatives that will be delayed.”
Process to Redesignate Land from Rural to Agricultural
As requested, Planner (and acting CAO) Mills outlined the somewhat lengthy process to redesignate rural land to agricultural on the land use schedule. He noted that if the subject land is in Soil Class 1, 2 or 3, the redesignation was unlikely to be supported by the province unless the landowner wished to have the change made.
Water Access To Canoe Lake from James Wilson Road
In August, James Campbell applied for three severances for waterfront lots on Canoe Lake, accessed from James Wilson Road. A number of residents have expressed concern about a beach area that has been in common use for many years. Although the area in question is part of the James Wilson Road allowance, the exact boundaries are a matter of local dispute. Council recommended that the area be surveyed, the road allowance be widened and the boundaries be clearly delineated. Should this not provide adequate public access to the water, the fall-back position would be to ask for designated parkland instead of cash-in-lieu as a condition of severance.
Portland Heritage Society
Deputy Mayor McDougall reported that the open hours for the new Museum have been irregular, but at Christmas there will be a celebration week, followed by a regular schedule of open hours.
Next Meeting
There will be no Council meeting Sept 29: Tuesday October 06 will be the next meeting of Council.
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