| Dec 17, 2009

Back to HomeChristmas Edition - December 17, 2009Christmas 2009

Art Contest

A Christmas Messageby Debbie Pelley-Hudson

Christmas Traditions in Ireland

Country Christmasby Kelly Calthorpe

Early Literacy: Opening More than Presents

Local Music to Stuff Your Stockings with


The Brightest Star

The Christmas Quiltby Kelly Calthorpe

The Christmas Giftby Pastor Ken Walton

A Christmas messageBy Debbie Pelley-Hudson

“For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; and the government shall be upon His shoulder. And His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace”

Isaiah 9:6

Christmas is the celebration of the greatest gift this world has ever known or ever will know. Jesus Himself came into this world in the most humbling conditions and circumstances as a little baby boy. As Mary counted ten fingers and ten toes, she could not have imagined what her child would one day go through. As His own mother, she would one day watch as He grew into a man and fulfilled His destiny – walking up a lonely hill to a much lonelier and painful cross, where even His own Father in Heaven could not bear to look at Him because of all of mankind’s sins, which He took upon Himself – all of our sins.


Christ’s birth gave us the choice, the only choice, to reconcile with our Creator, when God could have spared His Son and turned His back on us. Has there ever been any greater love?

I wonder, does a tear fall down our Saviour’s face, like His tears for us so long ago, when He watches how the world celebrates His birthday today? It has become a materialistic, frantic time, with little, or short-lived satisfaction for gifts given and received. We need to get back to reality and look deep inside our hearts, and examine ourselves and ask the question – would Jesus be satisfied with our gift to Him this year? Will His birth, His life, His love and His unconditional sacrifice show us yet once more how much we can give Him in return? Will we remember Him this Christmas as the reason we do feel such love, joy and peace this time of year, even as the world in turmoil rages on?

He is our hope, and we can rejoice because of that precious baby boy; with faith we can know that we’ve already won the war!

Thank you, Jesus, and happy birthday! May we never forget the meaning of Christmas as we share His peace with the world!

Debbie Hudson is a published author and blessed to be in ministry with her husband, Rev. Mark Hudson, at Sharbot Lake Pentecostal Church. Their prayer is that you will have Jesus as the centre of your celebration this Christmas – and always in your home and in your life. Have a blessed 2010!

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