Jeff Green | Sep 25, 2008
Sept 25/08 - CF Council

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Feature Article - September 25, 2008 Central Frontenac Council –Sept. 23/08 By Jeff GreenRail line purchase
Councilor Gary Smith, the township’s representative to the Eastern Ontario Trails Alliance, reported that the purchase of the east - west CPR line by the townships through which it runs should be completed within the month.
The line is part of the Trans Canada trail, and its purchase could break the log jam that has kept Central Frontenac from developing the land in Sharbot Lake where the train station was once located, although it is still not clear if that will be the case.
The Central Frontenac Railway Museum Committeee has wanted to develop a museum at that location for several years.
Councillor Bob Harvey said, “If the land does come open, I think it should be used for seniors housing rather than a rail museum”.
Garrison Shores hearing averted – Planning coordinator Cathy MacMunn said that the appellant has withdrawn his appeal to the OMB over the Garrison Shores zoning. “A conference call is scheduled for Monday to finalise everything,” she said.
Property owners on the shores of Garrison Lake have been caught in a bureaucratic bind ever since the ill-fated development was sold to them almost 25 years ago.
They have not been able to get deeds to their property in all that time, until a zoning bylaw amendment was passed by the township earlier this year. The OMB appeal was the final hurdle in the way of resolving the situation, which has been before Central Frontenac Council ever since the township was created in 1998.
Snow removal plan to come to next meeting – Pubilc Works Manager John Simcock said that he is meeting this week with contractors who remove snow from smaller township roads, and he will have a proposal before Council for changes he would like to see in how snow is removed from township roads next winter.
“What I'm gong to do is brainstorm with the contractors and staff, and I'll bring a plan back to Council and you will make the decision,” Simcock told Council. “It will involve the full removal of snow within 8-9 hours. I will bring Council the option to stay the same as before, and a couple of options for change.”
“Will you bring costing for keeping the contractors and for taking everything in house?” asked Councilor Philip Smith.
“Yes,” said Simcock.
Warden's development fund gets another cool response – Mayor Gutowski said that Frontenac County Warden Jim Vanden Hoek's proposal to establish a development fund at the county as seed money for a project that may come up in the future was not supported by Central Frontenac Council.
“It is seed money if there is a project that comes up, but nothing more specific than that. It is not entirely clear to me what this money would do; that's why I’m bringing it here”.
“It seems a little inappropriate to put money to an unknown purpose,” said Councilor Normand Guntensperger.
“I agree. I'd put it on the side burner,” said Councilor John Purdon.
I'll bring that message back, “ said Mayor Gutowski
(North Frontenac Council took a similar tack when discussing this matter in August)
Coming and going – Newly hired township CAO Mark Hall presided over this first council meeting.
Chris Matheson, the township’s Information Technology coordinator, will be leaving after next week for a job in Kingston.
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