Jeff Green | Sep 11, 2008
Sept 11/08 - Letters

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Letters - September 11,2008 Letters: Sept 11Shabot Obaadjiwan Call Off Talks with Frontenac Ventures
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Day, E. Freeman
Shabot Obaadjiwan Chief Calls Off Talks With Frontenac VenturesChief Doreen Davis is furious overMNR drops charges against Gemmill’s, Frontenac Ventures published Thursday, September 4 by Jeff Green, editor of the Frontenac News. The article refers to statements made by George White, President of Frontenac Ventures Corporation that he is “... in the midst of negotiations aimed at signing a memorandum of understanding with the Shabot Obaadjiwan and Snimikobe First Nations regarding the company’s test drilling program which is set to commence soon”.
“We are not...I repeat the midst of negotiating an MOU with Frontenac Ventures and we are nowhere near agreeing to any drilling program on our lands,” said an angry Chief Davis. “I do not know what planet George White is living on but we have made it very very clear to the Government of Ontario and to Frontenac Ventures that we will not discuss any agreement on drilling unless and until the issue of lands that have been withdrawn in the staked area are resolved” said the Chief.
In June of this year Frontenac Ventures forfeited a significant portion of their claims in the proposed drilling area for failing to file activity reports as required by the Mining Act and Regulations. “As far as we are concerned, Frontenac Ventures has no rights on the lands any more and the Court Order permitting them to drill no longer exists” said Chief Davis. “Only the Minister of Mines can reinstate these withdrawn lands and we have categorically stated to the Minister that the lands are not to be reinstated. This issue is now political. It may be very difficult for me to stop the floodgates from opening and Shabot members going back on the land” said an angry Davis.
Shabot War Chief Earl Badour Sr. expressed concern about how such a statement by White and a breach of confidence in the consultations with the Algonquin communities would be interpreted. “Misguided and false statements such as this do not serve to keep consultations on track” said Badour Sr. who hasparticipated in the consultations. “We are not negotiating an MOU with Frontenac. To say this is clearly a breach of good faith,” said the War Chief. “I am very concerned that such disrespect for the consultation process and the Algonquin communities will lead to a reoccupation of the lands by Shabot community members and other Algonquin and First Nation communities. This is a very serious matter which I, as war Chief, may have no ability to control,” said Badour Sr.
The Algonquins of Ontario have selected the impugned lands for “Nation Lands” in the land claim process as well as community development lands for the Shabot Obaadjiwan and Snimikobe First Nations. “We want to protect and preserve these extremely significant and environmentally sensitive lands for everyone” said Davis. “We will not permit a uranium mine on these lands and this is an issue that Ontario and Canada are going to have to come to grips with,” stated the Chief. “As of today, we have called off discussions with Frontenac Ventures and will not attend any consultation sessions with them until further notice. We will continue our discussions with the Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs and the Ministry of Northern Development and Mines in the hope that this matter can be resolved peacefully,” said Chief Davis.
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome DayDid you hear the bells ringing on Sept. 9 at 9:09 for FAS Day at the Verona kiosk to promote the awareness of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome? Several of the Verona Woman's Christian Temperance Union joined in the world-wide remembrance of the children and families caught in the Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Disorder. This happens as a direct result of a pregnant woman drinking alcohol. The effects include mental retardation, social and behavioural problems. This disorder can not be reversed but zero alcohol causes zero effects.
E. Jean Freeman
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