Jeff Green | Aug 21, 2008
Letters - August 21, 2008

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Letters - August 21,2008 Letters: August 21Water Source Protection Meeting, Sheila King
Signs Stolen on 509, Ian Whillians
Water Source Protection Meeting.After attending a meeting of the Mississippi-Rideau Source Water Protection Committee (MRSPC) in Plevna on August 7, my preconceived doubts were confirmed. This meeting was held to allow an opportunity for the committee and the public to address the potential impacts of uranium exploration on the highly vulnerable aquifer which makes up the Mississippi Watershed.
After a presentation by the Ministry of Environment about the role of Source Water Protection, it became clear that as a private well owner you are on your own. It is up to you to protect your water source.
At present their mandate only covers municipal water systems. The fact that testing of approximately 100 wellsin this area performed since February of 2008 showed a number of wells testing at the higher end or in excess of the Ontario Drinking Water Quality Standards for uranium levels did not seem to alarm Dr. Anne Carter, Chief Medical Officer of Health, Leeds, Grenville and Lanark District health Unit or Dr. Ian Gemmill, Chief Medical Officer of Health, Kingston, Frontenac, Lennox and Addington Public Health.It was reiterated that their role is to educate, not act proactively, and members of the public may receive a notice with their tax bill to encourage them to have their well water tested for uranium levels.
Presentations made by Marilyn Crawford, Linda Harvey, John Kittle, Howard Robinson, and Wolf Ehrlichman all urged for a proper environmental assessment to be done BEFORE further planned drilling activity takes place by Frontenac Ventures Corporation. The term "natural occurring uranium" was bandied about, probably about 25 times by the panel made up of MOE, Public Health representatives and Ministry of Northern Development and Mines.
Residents of Northern Frontenac are aware that due to the fact that we are living on the Canadian Shield there is "naturally occurring uranium" in our water and soil. But leave this "natural" stuff as it is.Pam Sangster is the Resident Geologist for Southern Ontario, and her response as to why such activity is allowed to take place in our watershed, and thereby allowing a threat to our aquifers was...get ready for this folks, "Maybe people shouldn't be living here". I recognize that this remark was facetious and unprofessional, but itactually summed up very nicely the bureaucratic shuffle that many of us have witnessed during the past 15 months. Various ministries finger point to other jurisdictions or fail to act until they see "adverse effects".
Sheila King
Signs Stolen on 509Holy crap Batman! All the construction speed limit signs on 509 were stolen!
My wife phoned and left a message for the new public works manager expressing her distress that her car had been peppered with stones on thenewly tarred and chipped 509. We know that he is a busy man, but he could have called her back!
Instead he instructed a Mr. Scott to speak with her. Mr. Scott advised my wife that the damage to her car was not the fault of the township, as someone had stolen all the construction zone speed signs and that she should call the OPP. It is amazing that all the signs were stolen when there was only one 50 km/hr sign placed just before the curve north of Oso Road.This sign was placed because there was exposed gravel and vehicles were sliding off the roadway.
I would ask Mr. Scott, why would he misinform the public and also make up some ridiculous story that could be checked. We did call the OPP and the Police can't enforce a speed limit of 50 km/hr when the signs clearly indicate 80 km/hr.Also there was no report to the OPP that any construction speed signs had been stolen from the 509.
All that was required was four 50 km/hr signs, one at the south and north limits of the construction zone and the other two at the major curves of the 509. Also covering the existing 80 km/hr speed signs with green garbage bags. Then the OPP could have monitored the traffic speed at the request of the township. This would have greatly reduced damage to the vehicles and helped the stone adhere to the tar instead of flying off the roadway because the speed was left at 80 km/hr.
Ian Whillans
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