Jeff Green | Oct 09, 2008
Oct 9/08 - SF Council

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Feature Article - October 9, 2008 South Frontenac CouncilOct 7, 2008By Wilma KennyOFFICIAL PLAN UPDATE:
Mayor Davison announced at the beginning of the meeting that the vote on updating the Official Plan (including the ‘restarting the clock on severances’ issue) would have to be deferred, as one member of council (Del Stowe) was absent.
Vicky Leakey of KPMG reported that she found the Township’s 2007 financial records to be in order, and well kept. Noting that the township’s various reserve funds had increased from $8.8 to $9 million over the past year, she commented, "You had a good year." When the mayor asked whether she thought a fully amalgamated system of books would be easier to manage, Ms. Leakey demurred, saying she was not in a position to say, but added that the present system was clearly more work, though she "couldn’t comment on the extent."
Mel Hughson (not present at the meeting) has proposed to construct a 600 foot public road off Freeman Road, with a turning basin at the end, with the intent of severing three lots from the property: two with frontage on the new road and on Freeman Road, and one with frontage on the new road. The retained parcel would also have frontage on the new road. Councilor Ron Vandewal pointed out that several such short roads could create significant road clearance demands, and Councillor Fillion asked "If we don’t allow severances on existing township lanes, why would we allow this?" Council defeated a motion to give approval in principle to Hughson’s proposal.
Council approved Building Official Alan Revill’s recommendation to accept Paul McNichols’ tender for the installation of an updated electrical system for the Bradshaw School in Bedford.
Public Works Manager Mark Segsworth brought tender recommendations for winter sand provision and snowplowing and salting/sanding, which were approved by Council. There is some concern that the sandpit being used by the low bidder might not have sufficient sand (17,000 cu yds) of the quality required. Segsworth assured Council that the sand quality would be monitored, and back-up plans were in place. Councillor Vandewal suggested that this sort of concern raised the question of whether council should be requiring contractors to post bonds.
Council approved a transfer of $250,000 to each of the four districts from the Provincial R&B Fund to offset any deficits in the capital road building program, with any surplus to be transferred to district road reserves.
The township wishes to undertake a study "to establish boundaries that could be used to direct development within the area that could reasonably be expected to be required to connect to the Sydenham Water system." Council directed the CAO to work with Ainley and Associates to develop a draft proposal and cost estimate.
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