Jeff Green | Oct 16, 2008
Oct 16/08 - SLHS Commencement

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Feature Article - October 9, 2008 SLHS 2008 CommencementBy Jeff GreenSLHS Valedictorian Mehar kaillon and her mother Rimpe were all smiles after the Commencent ceremony.
Recent graduates of Sharbot Lake High School, many of them already esconced in college, university, or jobs in far-flung places, returned home for the traditional fall commencement service at the school last Friday October 10.
Although fall commencements have become rare in Ontario, the strong local ties (and the promise of a home-cooked Thanksgiving turkey dinner) always bring the vast majority of graduates back for the ceremony.
This year was no exception.
After they received their diplomas, a long list of awards, many carrying cash prizes, were handed out to the students.
Many of the awards were established in honour of former students, staff or community members who have died, and by having surviving relatives of those people hand out the awards, a continuing connection between the school and those families is maintained.
As the awards table was getting bare, there was one graduate who began to look nervous.
Valedictorian Mehar Kaillon began preparing herself for her big moment, but she had to wait a little longer than normal. She was introduced by the head of the Science Department, Dave Gervais, who got a little carried away in extolling her virtues, but finally she took a deep breath and headed to the podium.
“Where are you Mehar?” called out the students, when the five-foot tall University of Ottawa student almost disappeared behind the elvated prodium.
Her enthusiasm easily overcoming both her nervousness and the podium, Mehar touched all the bases in her valedictory address, even raising a few tears when she spoke of the bonds that have been forged over the years. She said that whatever happens, members of the graduating class will always be able to depend on each other.
Mehar received a spontaneous standing ovation at the end of her speech.
The Sharbot Lake High School graduates, Class of 2008, are: Rebecca Andrews, Brooke Armstrong, Jamie Ayotte, Jessica Barker, Stacey Barr, Kaitlyn Bertrim, Landon Boles, Madeleine Brown, Tamara Carmichael, Christopher Conboy, Devon Conboy, Sarah Conner, Christopher Cook, Crystal Cox, Savannah Cronk, Joey Drapeau, Mark Duarte, Casey May Ducharme, Bradley Fox, Jason Godfrey, Christina Green, William Hamilton, Nelson Hannah, Jacelyn Hartwick, Derek Hermer, Kimberlee Hertendy, Adam Hibbard, Holly Jackson, Jesse Jarvis, Jennifer Jennings, Jason Johnston, Mehar Kaillon, Dustin Kehoe, Lacy Kelford, Lance Kelford, Alex Kellar, Jeremy Lemke, Tasha Lemke, Jason Lowery, Jonathan Maracle, Raylene Mayhew, Casidhe Mika, Deanna Mitchell, Joseph Nearing, Garth O'Connell, Bradley Quinn, Ashley Ripley, Ronald Spencley, Benjamin Steele, Chantel Teal, Matthew Thubron, Peter Valentini, Stephanie Vinkle, Leigh Walker, Mason Weatherby, George Weiss, Ryan Whan, Ashley White, Alyssa Wilkes, Kori Woodcock.
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