Jeff Green | Oct 16, 2008
Oct 16/08 - Letters

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Letters -October 16,2008 Letters: October 16Deacon Farm at Bolingbroke, Bill Deacon
Deacon Farm at BolingbrokeOne never knows what interesting information can be often found in my great little paper the Frontenac News.
Some such information was in an article and picture of a church in the Maberly and Bolingbroke section by correspondent Karen Prytula, appearing in the Sept. 28 issue. Also was a short interesting history of Bolingbroke. My dad James Deacon was one of the families mentioned who were early settlers there.
He was one of the 2 boys and 5 girls of Irish/English settlers Ephraim and Annie Deacon, who built a farm on the Tay River very near Maberly.
I do believe some time ago the “Deacon” Farm was given the designation “Centennial” and a sign put up saying this. The sign was erected on the road near the bridge crossing the Tay River to the farm.
I am looking forward to the future information by Karen Prytula on the church pictured. I remember as a young boy 10 years old seeing a church exactly like the one pictured while visiting my aunt Annie Norris, Dad’s sister. The church sat directly across from her house.
At any rate this interesting picture and history has been added to my “Deacon” family pictures and records.
It is interesting articles like this one that makes the Frontenac News the unique little paper it is. It makes very enjoyable reading for me as I’m sure it does for others who once lived in North Frontenac and grew up there.
Please keep up the local historical stories like the one by Karen Prytula’s on Bolingbroke.
And thank you.
Bill Deacon, Kingston
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