Jeff Green | Oct 23, 2008
Oct 23/08 - SF Council

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Feature Article - October 23, 2008 South Fontenac Council –Oct 21, 2008By Wilma KennySydenham Water Protection Zone Extended
Provincial grants have recently been available for various work projects within 200 metres of the municipal water intake in Sydenham Lake. These are to be administered by the Cataraqui Region Conservation Authority in cooperation with the municipality. However, relatively few properties fell within the 200 metre boundary, and none of the property owners applied for grants. Accordingly, Council has approved extending the program to a wider area, which will (roughly) include the north part of George Street, Bedford Road and the north shore of the lake to part way along the subdivision there, and the corresponding south shore.
Some of the projects eligible for funding would include: septic system upgrades and repairs, well upgrades and decommissions, and runoff and erosion measures. Landowners in the extended area will be provided further information about the program, or can contact the township office.
Policy Review Proposed
Councillor Fillion suggested that Council should perform a policy review for the information of councillors. Councilor Stowe agreed, noting that in order to act in a consistent and fair manner, council needs to have occasional review of policies. Others agreed, and there seemed to be consensus that this was not a criticism of staff or the various township departments, but a wish for members of council to be kept up to date in their decision-making processes.
Frontenac K&P Trail
Council noted a copy of a letter sent from Warden Vanden Hoek to a landowner who does not support the development of the Kingston-Pembroke right-of-way into a recreational trail. The Trail Committee is presently in the process of hosting information sessions with the landowners adjacent to the proposed trail. These landowners have been issued a survey to determine their opinions and concerns about the proposed development, and according to the Warden’s letter, 41 of 48 South Frontenac residents are in favour of the development, and 15 out of 19 Central Frontenac residents also support it. Once the landowner sessions are complete, the committee plans to schedule similar meetings for the general public.
Issues of safety, farm rights and taxpayer concerns are among the committee’s highest priorities.
MPAC Assessments
It was informally noted that MPAC property assessments have begun to be mailed out. In spite of good intentions, and perhaps because of volume of demand, the newly designed MPAC information website was not functioning well this afternoon.
A Record?
South Frontenac Township Council may have set a new record by completing their meeting up to the ‘in camera’ part by 7:30 this evening.
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