Jeff Green | Jul 10, 2008
Letters - July 10, 2008

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Letters - July 10, 2008 Letters: July 10Re: We Won't See the Fireworks, Shasti Abalk
Re: We Won't See the Fireworks, Diane Thomson
Oh Henry!, Carmen Gowan
Strokes Fore Hopes, Cathy Goodfellow
Re: We Won't See the FireworksThis really is not worth a response, but I can't help but do so. Just imagine: Canada Day must be changed in order to accommodate the Aspins/Grnaks/Barretts’ desire to take their boats to the bay. The audacity!
How ridiculously absurd that is! Perhaps I misunderstood something; or am I being taken in by a late April Fool’s thing? HELLOOO! What planet are you from?
Sorry you were disappointed that your (and our) "favourite outstanding pyrotechnic display" took place on its appointed day. To use more of your words,Aspins, Grnaks & Barretts, “logically"...."this arrangement" is a "time honoured tradition" decreed by the GOVERNMENT of CANADA,thank you. And we, as CANADIANS, and this community, accept whatever inconvenience that may cause so that we may honour and celebrate themagnanimity of our country.
Finally, I do believe your children and grandchildren will understand that CANADA DAY IS JULY 1, whatever day of theweek that happens to be.
Do I sound angry? You bet I am!
Shastri Ablack
Re: We Won't See the FireworksI couldn't believe my eyes when I read the letter from the Aspins, Grnaks and Barretts complaining about holding the Canada Day fireworks on Canada Day! As I read the letter,I was expecting to see the signatories listed as non-Canadians who didn't understand the importance to Canadians of celebrating Canada Day on July 1 - that is our nation's birthday and we are given a day's holiday to celebrate it and to reflect on how lucky we are to live in Canada!If the fireworks display is important to people, they will make the necessary arrangements to be at their cottages - the first week of July is a perfect time for a week's holiday and heck you only have to take 4 of your precious vacation days!
We don't change Christmas from December 25 to another day that might be more suitable to some and I for one really like to celebrate my birthday on its actual date.
Sorry you missed a great show this year but plan ahead for 2009 to be at Sharbot Lake on Wednesday July 1!
Diane Thomson
Oh Henry!Dr. Morgenthaler shouldn’t get the Order of Canada. He should get the Nobel Prize.
Carmel Gowan
Strokes fore HopesWhat does it mean to live in a small community? It means “together everyone achieves more”. As many of you have read in the past Frontenac News, from Thursday, June 19 through to Friday, June 20 the number of people that live in an area has no bearing on the size of their hearts.
When Edward first told me about his idea for Strokes Fore Hopes, his 24-hour walk while golfing to benefit the Southeastern Ontario Cancer Clinic, we had no idea that the community, which we are proud to call home, would be so supportive. I would challenge any community in Canada to do a better job of rallying around two young men for a fabulous cause. There was absolutely nothing that we asked that wasn't given. Then there were the things that we never asked of people and they did anyway. There are no words to describe our gratitude to Jim Lansdell for believing, one very cold March evening, in a crazy dream and then going out on a limb and agreeing to let Edward and Andrew take over the course. To Sandra Reynolds and her fabulous kitchen staff for doing what they do best, and that is creating a delicious breakfast buffet for over 100 people when they really had no idea how many supporters would show up - thank you. To Brent Hamilton and his maintenance crew for ensuring Rivendell Golf Course was in great shape and doing everything we asked out on the course - thank you. To Les Cliff and Ken Harper for donating breakfast and for having such a great staff - thank you. To the mayor of South Frontenac Gary Davison for being brave enough to participate in the ceremonial opening tee off - thank you. To the Limestone District School Board schools of Clarendon P.S. for the inspiration banner 'Helping Hands' with all of the staff and students' hand prints and the two intermediate classes from Prince Charles P.S. for arriving just as Edward and Andrew were finishing - thank you.
Because an unbelievable amount of people showed up to assist Edward and Andrew on their journey, it would be impossible to name everyone and the last thing that I would want to do is forget to thank anyone. I am convinced beyond a doubt that Andrew and Edward would not have been able to complete their journey without the support of our special marshalls (one that only went home for a couple of hours sleep), a cart driver who could have been the only one that would convince them to put their golf bags on a cart, our member who suggested that we let caddies assist the guys by carrying their bags, and people that came out in the middle of the night to walk with them. Our longtime NHL friend who, without trying to draw any attention to himself, with his real estate buddy, came out at 12:30 a.m. and played alongside Edward and Andrew, getting them through the most difficult time in their journey, right through to the finish, then quietly stepping to the side after the final putt on the 18th green.
This community event has gotten nation-wide, and we just recently found out, world-wide coverage. Because of our golf course family, the communities of North, South and Central Frontenac, Strokes Fore Hopes was a huge success. The journey that Edward and Andrew took is nothing compared to the journey that our special friends that battled cancer and lost took, that our special friends that are cancer survivors took, that our special friends who are currently battling cancer are taking and that the hundreds of unknown people affected by cancer took. They and their families are the strongest people and I am proud to know them.
It just goes to show you that through strength, courage, faith and hope and an amazing community behind you, never underestimate the impossible.
Cathy Goodfellow.
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