Jeff Green | Jul 03, 2008
Letters - July 3, 2008

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Letters - July 3, 2008 Letters: July 3Re: Summerfest: in Memory of Glen Fossey, Pamela Giroux
We Won't See the Fireworks, Aspin Grnak & Barrett Families
Ompah Fireworks, Jen Robertson
Citizens EnquiryThank You, Wolfe Erlichman
Re: Summerfest: in Memory of Glen FosseyGlen Fossey will always be remembered for the generous gift of his time while volunteering in this community. I must clear up some rather glaring errors concerning the facts presented in the article. First of all Glen died in 1987 so he could hardly have been here to spear head the first Summerfest which you stated occurred in 1988. In fact, the first Summerfest was in 1983 and I know this because Glen asked me to create a logo and a program booklet describing all the events that would be taking place during the week. Unfortunately Summerfest was gradually condenced to the Canada Day weekend festivities because it required a large army of dedicated volunteers to keep it going for a whole week. God Bless Glen Fossey! He certainly gave everything he had to keep Summerfest going as long as he was alive.
Pamela Giroux
We Won't See the FireworksDear Sir,
It is with great dissapointment that we read in your paper, the announcement that our favourite outstanding pyrotechnic display will be held at 10 o’clock on the night of Tuesday July 1. Although logically the fireworks should be displayed on Canada Day, this arangement is depriving all cottagers from the time honoured tradition of bringing their boat to anchor in the bay for THIS OUTSTANDING AND BREATHTAKING SHOW. Every year for 35 years we’ve said what a great event the community provides.
We were looking forward to bringing our children (and grandchildren) to watch the show. It was difficult to explain this disappointing situation to them and dash their expectations.
When Canada day 2009 fireworks extravaganza vibrates with brilliant spectacles, we hope to be present because it was better- timed.
Thank you The Aspins, KingstonThe Grnaks, TorontoThe Barretts, Montreal
Ompah FireworksThere are not sufficient accolades to express the way that the North Frontenac Firefighters carried out their display of Fireworks on June 28 at the "gravel pit" in Ompah/Palmerston Lake.The fireworks were wonderfully arranged, colorful and very safely carried out. This display started right on time which was a bonus for the spectators. The attendance was large consisting of young and old alike who enjoyed the beautiful colors with much appreciation every time a set of firecrackers were ignited. When communities come together, it proves how an event can be successful. Congratulations also to all those people who worked behind the scenes. I do hope this will become a yearly event.
Jen Robertson,Summer Resident
Thank YouAs a follow-up to your article about Seniors of the Year in Central Frontenac, we would like to thank St. Andrews Anglican Church for hosting the Sharbot Lake sessions of the Citizens Inquiry on Uranium. In particular, Liz Scott was a tremendously helpful as she came over immediately when she was called and helped us accommodate the larger than expected audience.Wolfe Erlichman, Community Coalition Against Mining Uranium
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