Jeff Green | Jul 24, 2008
Feature Article - July 24, 2008

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Feature Article - July 24, 2008 North Frontenac CouncilBy Jeff GreenRoger Veale and Arndt Kruger from the Mazinaw Lake Property Owners Association (MPOA) appeared before North Frontenac Council. They had two intentions. The first was to clear up any lingering confusion after they had approached Addington Highlands Council about that township leasing the dock in light of previous statements by North Frontenac County about it “not being in the dock business”.
This was not well received by North Frontenac Council.
“The proposal to involve Addington Highlands Council is dead. It is off the table,” said Roger Veale.
Instead, he said, “we want to propose, with the support of Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority and the Ministry of Natural Resources, that a floating dock extension would be added to the existing dock, parallel to the shore. This is the best solution to an issue that has been difficult. If we do get an extended dock, we will have more efficiency.”
For several years now, the association has been concerned about congestion bearing on the quality of the cottage experience for water access property owners. This situation is especially acute, the association said in a letter to Council, “on long weekends for boaters trying to pick up or drop off family members/visiting guests.”
While Council was generally supportive to the proposal provided the MPOA covers all costs and the townships insurance can cover any extra liability that may be created. However Councillor Fred Perry did introduce one potential pitfall.
“I did some research,” he said, “and the Federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans says a dock can not be more then 538 sq. feet or 50 square metres.
This is something we definitely need to check into,” said Roger Veale, “because our existing dock is larger than that.”
“There seems to be support here,” said mayor Ron Maguire in summing things up. Check into the navigable waters question. We look forward to hearing from you again.
Replacement Councilor appointment delayed – An advertisement for applicants to replace Ward 2 Councilor Wayne Cole carries a deadline of July 16th, and two applications were received at the township office. But Mayor Maguire did not want to proceed with the appointment.
“I would recommend to Council that we extend the deadline for applications for this vacancy to make sure we reach as many qualified applicants as we can. A lot of people have been on vacation. We have sixty days from the time we advertised to fill the position. I believe that we should have a process there as well. An all candidates meeting in front of Council.”
“It's been advertised. We have two applicants. Why not go ahead,” said Councilor Bob Ohlmstead.
“How does it work. Once we've put on a deadline, can we change it,” asked Councillor Lonnie Watkins.
“I checked and it's really wide open. Council can go ahead and appoint someone without even advertising the position at all. It's really up to the individual Council,” said Township Chief Administrative Officer Cheryl Robson.”
It was then pointed out the previous time a Council position had been vacated under Maguire, Wayne Good was the only candidate and he was appointed.
Ron Maguire's proposal carried the day, and the position has been advertised once again and the deadline has been extended. Interested parties should contact the township office.
It was not announced who the two applicants were, but Betty Hunter was on hand at the meeting.
Hunter represented Ward 2 from 2004-2006 and then ran unsuccessfully for Mayor, against Ron Maguire and Bud Clayton, in the most recent election.
She told the News that she had submitted a resume. The name of the other candidate has not been released.
Good News from JEPP – The township has received a total of $14,082.40 in grants for emergency services from the JEPP (Joint Emergency Preparedness Program). The money includes $8,400 towards base radios for the fire department, and $10,000 for a generator to be used at the Emergency Operations Centre at the Clar/Mil Fire Hall. The township will have to contribute another $36,525.32 in order to purchase the equipment.
Bad News from the Clar/Mil Hall -
Recreation Coordinator expressed frustration about the ongoing efforts to control water flow at the exterior of the Clar/Mil Hall. Water has been infiltrating the basement of the building and bringing the threat of mould, leading to the temporary closing of the Plevna Library, located in the Hall, until the problem is sorted out.
Contractors hired to deal with the situation have found an underground spring in the vicinity of the hall which keeps causing problems.
“The bottom line is that every time we do something we find something else to deal with,” said Klatt.
He will bring a full report to the next meeting of Council in August.
Vandalism at United Church Cemetery – It was reported that vandalism has occurred at the Cemetery, which is located across from the Clar Mil Hall in Plevna. Anyone with information or who sees anything in the future is asked to contact the township office.
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