Jeff Green | Jul 31, 2008
Feature Article - July 31, 2008

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Feature Article - July 31, 2008 Sharbot Lake Property Owners’ Association AGMby Julie DrukerThe Sharbot Lake Property Owners’ Association held its AGM at Oso Hall in Sharbot Lake on July 13 and it was very well attended.
Vice President, Ken Waller opened the meeting and with regret announced the recent passing of Ada Hollywood, founding and honourary member of the SLPOA.
President Bill Wilson reviewed some of the years past achievements. A Hazardous Waste Collection Day, which is something the Associaion has pushed for years, has been established
There remains a strong desire to proceed with the development of a Lake Management Plan for the immediate future so that the natural environment of the land and the lake can be protected.
A large part of the meeting was taken up with the topic of Environmental Issues for 2008, presented by Ken Waller. He reported on the current environmental situation. Levels of algae and phosphorus in the lake are on the rise, a trend that needs immediate addressing, according to Waller.
Members were reminded that phosphorous levels can be lessened by using local phosphate free laundry and dish detergents, not fertilizing the lawn and pumping out septic tanks regularly every 3-5 years.
Waller also urged residents reduce water use, and fix leaky faucets and taps that drip.
The issue of the re-inspection of septic systems was addressed and attention was focused on the success of a model that has been put in place in North Frontenac with the help of the Township Office and supported by The Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority.
Vice President, Ken Waller put forth a motion “that the executive be in power to approach the township with the aim of enforcing our desire and the need to institute a septic system re-inspection program.” The motion passed easily.
Deputy Mayor Harvey was in attendance, and he supported the idea of re-inspection and thought it would be supported in council and could be pursued at different levels. He commented that “it has been an issue for years and nothing has happened with it yet.”
Asked if mandatory pumping could ever exist on a municipal level, the Deputy mayor cited Bob’s Lake in Bedford district as a example a lake area adopting stringent laws regarding septic systems.
The issue of pumping out septic systems on the islands came up many times and the possibility of the SLPOA banding together with other Lake Associations to purchase a barge that could service these island cottages is something that members would like to see happen in the future.
Applause broke out a few times during the meeting, once when it was reported that 8 loon chicks survived the season on a certain section of the lake compared to only one chick last year in the same area.
The Association is always looking for new members and volunteers who are land owners in the Sharbot Lake area and who share a concern for the property and environment.
Pick up one of the SLPOA’s new brochures which includes a membership application or visit for more information
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