Jeff Green | Jun 12, 2008
Letters - June 12, 2008

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Letters - June 12, 2008 Letters: June 12Stop When Lights are Flashing, Gordon McGraw
Relay for Life, Jim Beam
Injunction Unjustified, Donna Dillman
Theft of Lumber, Leslie Cronk
Stop When Lights are FlashingHighway 38 is my route to and from my house. On June 5, I was fortunate to get stuck behind a school bus. No, I’m not being sarcastic but I was reminded how precious our little children and grandchildren are.
When the bus stopped at two locations, it was wonderful to watch the kids run and bounce off the bus, glad their day was done and they could enjoy the heat wave, as summer seems to have arrived. Safe in the knowledge of the flashing red school bus lights being their protector, they were all laughing and literally bouncing home.
Just past Murvale Creek, the joy was interrupted by a blaring horn. Imagine my surprise to discover it was the bus driver and I couldn’t believe my eyes as a car heading north failed to stop. Stunned by this event I was still observant enough to jot down the license plate of the perpetrator of this disgraceful act. “Well done,” you say, but worse was to come. Two more stops later, and the horn was really blaring, even more than the red lights were flashing. You had to see it to believe it; not one, but two cars refusing to stop. Luckily one had a personalized number plate, easy to jot down and it gave me time to catch the third person’s plate too.
How can this be allowed to happen on our road? Hasn’t anyone told them our children are our future? No crystal ball is required now though to predict a knock on these people’s doors as I duly reported them, complete with license plates to our helpful OPP, and they will be dealt with. I would like to let the school bus drivers know we are on their side and will always report offenders to the OPP because I like my Highway 38 - as long as it doesn’t become a Highway to Heaven for our children.
Gordon McGaw
Relay for LifeThe Canadian Cancer Society Relay for Life held at Parham last weekend thanksNorth Frontenac Township and Lookout Home Hardware of Plevna for each entering teams this year. Every dollar raised goes to support patient services, research and transportation. Without the dedicated efforts of our local folks, we would not be on the way to finding cures for this dreaded disease.
Special thanks to North Frontenac staff who worked all day and walked all night, and the Lookout staff who also worked all day and then traveled to Parham, walked all night, returned to Lookoutand then donated space to Clarendon Central School for their yard sale throughout the day.
Well done to all participants!
Jim Beam
Injunction UnjustifiedI continue to find it maddening that the OPP is maintaining a fairly constant presence at the uranium exploration site on Hwy 509 at Robertsville. What is it about the interlocutory injunction that continues to give Frontenac Ventures free round-the-clock police protection when the ongoing protest presence at the site ended months ago, and when there has never, ever, been any kind of threat to personnel at the site. What is this costing the public?
Compare that to someone who has gone through the court system to obtain a peace bond or restraining order because their life has actually been threatened. Even though such a court order may require that the named individual maintain a certain distance, just as is the case with the interlocutory injunction, no police officer stands on guard 24/7 to guarantee compliance. If such were the case, I know of people who would still be alive today. What's with the double standard?
Donna Dillman
Theft of LumberSometime between the hours of noon on Friday, May 23, and noon on Sunday, May 25, somebody came onto my property and stole our pressure treated wood that had just been purchased for a cottage deck. I am so glad that I called all over the country to get the best price as I now have to buy it twice.
Lynn and I work very hard trying to make a living. We have three daughters in university this September. Every dollar matters at this point. We are very disappointed in the fact that there are people who don't work hard, who "scout" around to try to take from people who do. We have contacted the police, but are not too hopeful that it will ever come to anything. I am sure by this point, that you are sitting somewhere on OUR pressure treated "deck".
My only hope is that you got a mittful of slivers while you hastily loaded it onto your boat. To the people of Long Lake and vicinity, be careful with what is yours as there are people on our lake who don't care.
Pretty sad.
Leslie Cronk
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