Jeff Green | Jun 05, 2008
Feature Article - June 5, 2008

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Feature Article - June 5, 2008 South Frontenac TownshipBy Wilma KennyZoning in Harrowsmith
Stephen Bowes came before council regarding the zoning of his property on Road 38 in Harrowsmith. In 2005, a by-law had been passed at his request, which changed the property zoning from Urban Industrial to Special Urban Commercial in order to permit selling, servicing and repairs of autos. He returned in March 2007, requesting the zoning be changed again to also allow "all the other uses that were listed in the previous Urban Industrial zone." Specifically, Mr Bowes wants to do auto body work on the property, noting that for many years, the lot had housed an auto body shop. However, neither of the above-named zones mentions auto body work as a permitted use on a small lot, and township planner Lindsay Mills said that records showed the property had housed a canvas-works business since the ‘80s.
Several councillors mentioned that the township wants to encourage small business, and as long as there was no threat to neighbouring properties, indicated they would not be opposed to returning the property to its earlier use, as long as an appropriate zoning could be found. Council deferred a decision, pending further information.
Noise By-law Exemption
Council granted a four-day exemption from the noise by-law in order to permit a four-day outdoor guitar festival on a 41-acre property which runs between Sydenham Road and Loughborough Lake. They had granted a similar exemption last year, and there had been no complaints from the neighbours. Planning Coordinator Mills noted that overall, the site seemed to be able to accommodate the proposed event. This year’s festival will run July 17-20.
Parkland fees for lot additions
Council turned down a request from two Buck Lake residents, Terry Leclair and Robert Bronson, who had asked to be exempt from paying $100 each for two lot additions. These additions were the result of a property exchange to clean up existing property lines: there was no intent to alter the use of the two lots. Council agreed that there was no reason to offer an exemption: this is the set minimum fee for a property addition. The park fees exist to help maintain public recreation areas, on the general assumption that most severances lead to new residences and resulting greater demands on public land. Councillor Hahn commented that perhaps the township policy should at some time be changed, to exempt small additions to properties that had existing residences on them.
Seniors’ Month
June has been proclaimed Seniors’ month. The intent, throughout Ontario, is to recognize and celebrate seniors in our communities.
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