Jeff Green | May 29, 2008
Feature Article - May 29, 2008

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Feature Article - May 29, 2008 Central Frontenac Council -May 27/08By Jeff GreenBoomgardt site plan – A proposal to create access to Warren’s Lake near Bell Line Road in Olden for some newly created building lots has been before council on several occasions. Complicating the matter is the fact that a number of neighbours object.
At this meeting, council received reports from planner Glenn Tunnock, and Fire Chief Mark MacDonald, and agreed to bring forward a draft site plan agreement, against the objections of the two Olden councilors (John Purdon and Norm Guntensperger).
“I’m coming around to the idea that we’ve done due diligence on this. We’ve looked at this from many different angles and it seems to me that time is running out,” said Councilor Gary Smith. Council voted 6-2 in favour of asking the planner to prepare a site plan agreement.
Clow nursing home – Jennifer Clow, who is seeking a zoning amendment in order to expand the nursing home she runs on Road 38 between Godfrey and Parham, attended the council meeting, so Mayor Gutowski asked if interim CAO John DuChene could provide an update.
DuChene said that an engineer’s report has been prepared and sent to the planner and the planner has sent it back with comments and is waiting for a final report from the engineer. A water assessment report is also being prepared.
If those two reports are finalised and accepted, the zoning can go ahead. After that, building and fire permits will be required before the building project can resume.
Clow said she is in a hurry to build, “not for myself, but for the people that are waiting to move in. I already have a waiting list for rooms.”
“We should try to fast track this,” said Councilor Bob Harvey.
“”Part of the difficulty is that construction did begin before a permit was sought. I want to say for the record that we do need to follow our procedures,” said Councilor Gary Smith.
Public Works update – Public Works Manager John Simcock reported that a washout on Rock Lake Road had taken place last week, and “the team concept that has been introduced at public works worked out very well in resolving the problem. I would like to personally thank Ilio Rulli for helping out with his own equipment.”
Simcock also reported that the idea of bringing the Wagner Road garage back into service by locating the township mechanic there, is being considered. He is also recommending that the township build a salt dome at the Olden Works yard off Highway 7 near Mountain Grove.
Simcock, along with CAO DuChene, recommended hiring consultant Hans Munz to help come up with a five-year road capital improvement plan, which was accepted.
Second Lake Road – It is recommended that a box culvert be used on the washed out portion of Second Lake Road. The culvert cost $70,000 but the Quinte Conservation Authority is hoping to hear about a 50% grant by the end of the week.
“I don’t see why we should wait at all,” said Councilor John Purdon. “We need to fix it whether we get the grant or not.
“The point is well taken,” said DuChene
John Lowery donations – Councilor Philip Smith informed council that monies donated to the Lowery family on the death of John last month have been donated to the Hinchinbrooke Recreation Committee and earmarked for the building of new benches at the Parham ball field.
The township will send a letter to the Lowery family thanking them.
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