Jeff Green | May 22, 2008
Letters - May 22, 2008

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Letters - May 22, 2008 Letters: May 22Baseball Tournament, Lesley Pickard
Sharbot Lake Ballfield, Marcie Webster
Re: Central Frontenac Slows Compost Plan, Lyn Daniluk
A Reminder to ATV Riders, Bill Cuthill
Strokes for Hope, Ryan Redmond
Baseball TournamentOn May 18, there was a baseball tournament held in Verona to assist the grade 5/6 class at Hinchinbrooke P.S. go on an exciting trip to Fort Henry. I was so surprised when I saw how many people were there.The community support was overwhelming.It turned into a fantastic day to share with family members and neighbours. This would have never happened without the tireless efforts of Lynn Smail and Doug Brown. They worked so incredibly hard to pull this event together, and I really just wanted to say thank you.They made sure every child in the class had the opportunity to participate.I think I can say that everyone had a great day thanks to you both. It was just what we all needed to shake off the cobwebs.Oh, by the way, is this an annual event now?
Lesley Pickard
Sharbot Lake BallfieldI
took this picture at the Squirt ball game at the Oliver Scott
Memorial Ball Park. These are pictures of spectators from Harrowsmith
watching their children play and they were not impressed when they
arrived and couldn't sit to enjoy the game. Spectators from Sharbot
Lake were pretty embarrassed. I just heard that we may only get one
set of bleachers (70 seats). Everyone knows a ball field consists of
a visitors’ set and home set of bleachers. What's up with that?
Marcie Webster
Re: Central Frontenac Slows Compost PlanI understand the need for our municipalities to govern new businesses that move into the region. Environmental assessment is a sound and responsible method of operation. Given this, I found myself feeling very frustrated with the Earthworx story. How can a company, that is proposing a business that is ultimately about environmental sustainability, have to jump through so many hoops while a mining exploration company (who does not need an environmental assessment in the "exploratory" stages of development), can proceed to drill holes and potentially contaminate surrounding wells?
At this point I feel a company such as Earthworx should be welcomed and applauded for taking the risk of investing in a environmentally threaten area. If a uranium mine is developed, Earthworx's investment would be for naught.
Lynn DanilukA Reminder to ATV RidersNow that spring has arrived we all are out enjoying the great outdoors. It has come to our attention that some ATV riders are not aware of the rules regarding riding ATVs on public roads. It was decided by the Frontenac ATV Club, who fought so hard to get this privilege for all ATVers, that we should remind everyone again what the rules are at the present time.
All ATVers must be licensed drivers, and have proof of license, ownership and insurance with them if they should be stopped by a police officer.All riders must wear a CSA approved helmet.At the present time no ATVs are approved for two up even if they're built to accommodate two riders. This rule also applies as well to UTVs (side by side).The Ontario government is reviewing this rule, but of course are not doing it in a timely matter so has not been approved at this time.
There are many other rules but these three are our biggest concern at this time. Remember as it is with cars on the roads, it is a privilege, not a right. Let’s all do our part in keeping the roads safe for all. Keep in mind the OPP Safety Statement: "If you don't know don't go"
Bill Cuthill (Trail master), Frontenac ATV Club
Strokes for HopeMy name is Ryan Redmond. I ama grade ten student attending Sydenham High School. I am also a junior member at the Rivendell Golf Club in Verona, Ontario.
I met Ed Goodfellow roughly five years ago at the North Frontenac Community Arena and ever since, looked up to him as a role model. Andrew Fazackerly is one of the younger smiling faces always seenaround the golf club. He is never shy and always polite and positive.
These two 24-year-oldscombined make one positively driven, outgoingly humorous path to success. I am convinced that what these two gentlemen are doing is extremely impressive to many, including myself and family. Raising money for the ones they love through the game they love."That's exactly what Ed would do, put anyone before himself if he can." says my mother.
The way these two boys’ spirits are driven,I know this fundraiser will be more than successful. So with having said all of this, I, along with my friends, family and I'm sure the entire community,would like to wish all the great to the both of you and we hope "Strokes For Hope" is extremely successful.
Ryan Redmond
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