Jeff Green | May 15, 2008
Letters - May 15, 2008

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Letters - May 15, 2008 Letters: May 15Re: South Fronteac Cuts OPP Community Liaison, Ben Lesperance
Uranium, Ken Fishery
Ompah Firefighter's ATV Poker Run, Bud and Kay Griffin
Re: South Frontenac Cuts OPP Community LiaisonI am a grade ten student at Sydenham High School. It is with much concern that I have come to learnthatthe community liaison position for police, is being cancelled. I am writing in response to your article regarding the cancellation of George Hiles at the community liaison position. This position was originally established at the request of the South Frontenac Township to draw the community and police closer together and hence reduce the incidents of crime. George Hiles would examine crime reports, summarize them by district, and consequently make the original four townships aware of crime and suspicious activities. Also included in these reports were tips on preventing identity theft, and watching out for suspicious activities. I know that on one occasion, my parents used this service to report asuspiciousvehiclein our neighbourhood.
South Frontenac has eliminated this program due to budgetary concerns. This is understandable at a time of rising costs, and possible economic recession. However, using expenditure figures of 2006, the cost of $52,000 a year represents only 0.3% of the total expenditures. I would like to point out, that this is indeed a small cost, and indeed pays foritself many times over in the reduction of crime and the resulting improved ties between OPP and the community which can only serve to make our township a less stressful place to live. This service was especially useful to cottage and hunting camp owners who could be informed of suspicious activities and take suitable action in minding their property while they were at home.If $52,000 (which represents only half of the total cost of the position as the benefits package is assumed by the OPP), is considered to be exorbitant, then it is suggested that Mr. Hiles be retained on a part-time basis which could reduce the cost of his employment from 0.3% of total expenditures, to 0.15%. After a beneficial track record of 6 years,I am sure that I am not alone in recommending that council reconsider its decision and continue the police community liaison post.
Ben Lesperance
UraniumWith the unjust incarceration of Bob Lovelace and other aboriginal community leaders over the issues of environmental protection, consultation and land claims, the passage of resolutions calling for a uranium mining moratorium by nineteen municipalities from Haliburton, Ottawa, Kingston and all points in between, and the numerous, well-attended hearings and petitions opposing uranium mining, it is now time for the Government of Ontario to respond sensibly to the express wishes of its citizens for the suspension of uranium mining in the Highlands of Eastern Ontario.
Both British Columbia and Nova Scotia have passed legislation protecting their beautiful provinces from the ravages of uranium mining. It is time for Ontario to follow the lead of the other provinces, and the will of the people.
The future of Highlands’ sustainable businesses is in recreation, tourism, providing a community for retirees, maple syrup production, supporting a rich arts & culture scene, and agriculture, with an increasing emphasis on organic farming. The future is not uranium mining.
An open-pit uranium mine in the Highlands would be like a “turd in a punchbowl”.
More politely put, Janet Gutowski, Mayor of Central Frontenac, sees the prospect of uranium mining in the Highlands as a total “wet blanket” on traditional rural businesses and sustainable development plans.
Ken Fisher
Ompah Firefighters’ ATV Poker Run on April 26As the only business in the area not recognized for participating in or donating a prize to the ATV Texas Holden Poker Run, it was not from lack of trying on our part. Upon our request, two flyers were delivered to us personally from two different volunteer firefighters, at which point, we made copies and distribute them to our clientele from the Quebec border to Windsor and places in between, including Toronto and Peterborough, with instructions to post these flyers in a public area where they could be easily viewed. In the meantime, we were also asked by the Yamaha dealership in Madoc to forward a flyer to them, which we did, as they had no idea this event was taking place, and were positive the feedback would be very receptive from their area. These volunteer firefighters were well aware that we would gladly, as a business, sponsor or donate prizes to this or any other community events to raise money for our fire department. However, the hand-carved decoy and wall plaque for this event were never picked up. We do wish to thank Terry Hatfield for acknowledging this oversight and personally apologizing to us for omitting us from contributing to the event.
It has always been my belief that businesses pull together to support each other in a small community, but there was nothing on the flyer to indicate what accommodations were available in the area for that weekend, for participantsfrom out of town.
Bud and Kay Griffin, Griffin's Hide-A-Way
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