Jeff Green | Apr 03, 2008
Feature Article - April 3, 2008

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Feature Article -April 3, 2008 Official Opening of Relay for LifeThe
2008 Land O’Lakes region Relay for Life had its offi cial kick off at
the Sharbot Lake High School this week. The event takes place on June
6-7 this year at the Parham Fairgrounds.
Although the official opening of Sharbot Lake’s Relay For Life (RFL) was held at the Sharbot Lake High School on April 1, it was noted by Jim Beam in a clown costume with picketers Gary Giller and Jim MacPherson, that “CANCER IS NO JOKE.”
At 4 p.m. Mike Proctor marshaled a troop of volunteers around the small circle to symbolize the track at the Parham Ball Field. A number of people placed luminaries on both sides of the school steps.
Samantha Kempe, Aadan Kempe, Marcel Giroux and Mary Lou Slavin carried luminaries to CELEBRATE the lives of boys, girls, men and women who have, or had, cancer. Dave Limber and Ilona Cox followed REMEMBERing the friends and families of cancer patients and survivors. Dianne Lake and Rose Marie Bowick followed with luminaries dedicated to FIGHTing BACK against cancer with a healthy lifestyle, medical check ups and support for those with cancer.
The Canadian Cancer Society representative, Cheryl Bird, extended greetings to Claire Macfarlane, Relay For Life Chair, and presented her with the 2008 Sharbot Lake Relay For Life baton, giving her the authority to proceed with this year’s RFL.
Grandiose as the opening ceremonies were, Claire said that hard work is still ahead. “We need the community to get behind this year’s Relay as cancer respects no one. We need captains to register their teams, volunteers to assist with the set up, breakdown and cleanup of the equipment and grounds. She went on to describe how our RFL dollars are distributed. Fifty percent of each dollar raised goes to research, which for example, over the past 5 years $34 million has gone to research projects in Kingston. The remaining dollars are divided into providing services like transportation, which last year our drivers in Frontenac, Lennox and Addington drove cancer patients the equivalent of crossing Canada 24 times; information pamphlets and services for cancer patients and to advocate for those livingwith cancer and promoting a healthy lifestyle and preventative treatment for those who are healthy today. To register call Sandra Clow at 613-279-2935, x 228, or Jim Beam at 613-479-9946. We need You!”
Then as her first official act, she cut the ribbon and led her band of eager volunteers into the school to meet and plan the Sharbot Lake Relay For Life 2008. Cancer can be beaten!
Celebrate. Remember. Fight Back.
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