Jeff Green | Apr 17, 2008
Letters - April 17, 2008

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Letters - April 17, 2008 Letters: April 17Re: Local Liberals Looking Forward to Election, Edward Kennedy
What's In a Tree?,Tracy Moore
Re: Local Liberals Looking Forward to Election“Local Liberals looking forward” in the April 10 Frontenac News should read, “Local Liberals look backwards”, judging by the irresponsible, inaccurate and defamatory comments they are well noted for.
I would ask Ian Wilson upon what does he presuppose his comments that “we now have an MPP who has no interest in any part of the riding south of Highway 7, but luckily as Liberals we have resources to help people.” What would be the difference of trading an MPP who is falsely misrepresented as “having no interest in the south part of the riding, “for MPP Ian Wilson who would have no interest in the north part of the riding?
Perhaps Ian can explain to me why Randy Hillier has a constituency office in Napanee? Would that be so he can serve the needs of people in the north? How laughable.
Perhaps he can explain why Randy Hillier hit the road running a few days after Queen’s Park entered session, and has not stopped serving the needs of his whole constituency since?
What are these “resources” he speaks of to help people, would it be hissenseless focus on symptoms instead of the actual causative agent of the malady?
Look at his assertion that his position on uranium mining differs from the current policy of the provincial government. He just does not seem to get it, even after Randy Hillier explained to him umpteen times that the real problem is the Mining Act legislation. Randy Hillier has always been a property rights advocate, in total opposition to the Mining Act as it gives prospectors/companies the right to stake claims on private property. The Robertsville protesters should have been at the offices of provincial and federal ministries of mining, not at a place that was and is private property. Had they done this, they would have had lots of more support including Landowners backing, done a lot more good, and had a greater impact on securing the proper solution.
One final note, at a recent Landowners meeting another leader of the movement confidentially informed me that his"scouts" had seen claims staked throughout specific areas that are unknown it seems to all but these Landowner Association members and the prospectors who filed these claims. This of course is what happens when you target the symptom without eliminating the actual disease, it continues to spread.
Get with it people, attack the Mining Act if you really want to secure this area for property owners and establish freedom from government intrusion. This is the ONLY way to eliminate the deadly disease. Robertsville was but a hiccup in the hurricane of tyranny. The disease is still alive and well all over Ontario!
One final note Ian, I do like you and indicated the same when we met last year, opining I would have voted for you if Randy was not in the running. May I give you some advice that a politician needs to be told by his people, "if you keep throwing dirt you are going to lose ground".
Edward Kennedy
What’s in a Tree?Answer: Life … and lots of it.
Bees, birds, nests, insects, carbon, critters, swings, kids, forts, moss, lichen.
Now some may ask ‘Yes, but what’s in a Dead tree?’ The answer is still Life … only in a dead or dying tree there is even more of it.
At this time of year the urge to ‘clean up’ takes hold. Standing dead trees are often considered dangerous eyesores in need of removal, but they actually play a very important role in wildlife ecology. They provide food, hunting perches, and natural cavities that are the required nesting sites for many species of bird and mammal. These trees give life to our backyards, and to our neighbourhoods.
In many cases trees that seem ‘dead’ are often still very alive. Even though they exhibit large cavities or dead limbs, these trees are still offering the invaluable services of; water retention, carbon storage, releasing oxygen, acting as windbreaks, and providing shade and a cooling effect in the hot summer months.
And let’s not forget that a completely dead tree can in fact stand for many decades, giving life, shade and contributing to the beauty of home and neighbourhood for three generations of children. That is something to think about before setting the teeth of the chainsaw to its trunk. Resisting the urge to ‘clean up’ for just a moment, let’s consider the complete picture and think much longer term. Let’s look at the benefits in terms of wildlife, aesthetic and social appreciation, considering carefully the values that will be lost forever if that tree is taken down and hauled away.
Tracy Moore,South Frontenac Environmental Technician\Consultant
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