Jeff Green | Apr 17, 2008
Feature Article - April 17, 2008

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Feature Article -April 17, 2008 South Frontenac budget approvedBy Wilma KennyCAO Gord Burns summarized the highlights of the township’s 2008 budget.
The total budget for the year is over $19 million. The fire department came in with no increase, and the roads budget showed a deficit, but was balanced by calling in some of the reserve funds. However, the police budget went up by 16%, in spite of the cancellation of the part-time community policing position.
All other departments fell within the 2.5% to 3% increase range: this reflects negotiated salary increases and rising cost of gas, diesel and hydro. Bedford taxes will rise 4.558%, partly because of an additional $300,000 in their roads budget: this is to work toward amalgamation of the township’s four roads departments by bringing Bedford’s roads closer to the standards of the other districts. Loughborough’s taxes will rise 1.9%, Portland’s 3.255%, and Storrington’s will decrease 1.561%.
Using a property assessed at $150,000 as an example, taxes in Bedford will be $1780.67 in '08; in Portland they will be $1780.57, in Loughborough $1789.48 and in Storrington $1797.15.
There were no questions from the public, and the budget passed with no further discussion.
Tenders Awarded
Tender for the new recreation building in McMullen Park, Verona, was awarded to Shelley Home Improvements of Sydenham, for a total of $74,000 plus GST. In order to meet this price, Portland Recreation Committee was given permission to draw $5,000 from recreation reserves.
Hughson Guide Rail and Fencing’s tender of $103,919 was accepted for installation of guide rail protection on Bedford Road.
Smith Construction was awarded this year’s surface treatment tender, at the price of $1,020,726.
Provincial Infrastructure Grant
The township has been granted $2,478,832, to be used for municipal road and bridge structures. CAO Burns underlined the requirement that this money is not intended to reduce taxes, but is to augment/increase road programs. Any money not used for capital expenses related to bridges and roads during the as yet undetermined time period of the grant must be returned to the province.
Thanks to Sparks, Brownies and Guides
Mayor Davison sent a letter to the Sydenham Sparks, Brownies and Guides, thanking them for their work in doing a village clean-up on April 3.
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