Jeff Green | Apr 10, 2008
Letters - April 10, 2008

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Letters - April 10, 2008 Letters: April 10Unrest in North Frontenac Township, Rose Bolivin
Maritimer Feels at Home, Kim Perry
Vote No to Composting Facility, Georgia Ferrel
Thank you for Giving, Colleen Fairholme, Canadian Blood Services
Unrest in North Frontenac TownshipCould it be that there is a feeling of unrest and rebelliousness amongst the citizens of North Frontenac township? Are we questioning the concern, action and leadership of the mayor and council regarding issues of obvious importance to their constituents? If you have read the “News” over the last several weeks, it becomes apparent that our citizens are not happy. Aside from the provocative letters, the only news from council was a “Rosy report on septic reinspections” and notice that the township budget will increase by 8.93%.
A perception exists that council is more interested in peace and harmony with their colleagues in upper echelons of government and big business than the menial operation of the township it was elected to manage.
Mayor Maguire continually blames higher levels of government for township problems. Whatever happens is the fault of the library board, the county, the provincial or the federal governments. At the same time he advocates a silent “don’t rock the boat “attitude towards those same agencies. Instead of firm direct action, we hear one of “I’m hoping something might happen next year; let’s wait and see. Don’t get them mad, let’s not irritate them, or let’s wait until they advise us.” While we wait, other township mayors are building fire halls, expanding libraries, fixing roads and bridges, and even demanding a moratorium on uranium exploration.
Although “Letters to the Editor” is an effective means of this sort of venting, they are not the forum to discuss all the issues. Waiting until the next election is not an option. Mayors who would like to have public input into their municipal management sometimes hold “Town Hall” information sessions. This get-together allows constituents to meet with their council reps and discuss openly just how well things are going, what the issues are and what can be expected of council during their remaining term of office. If Mayor Maguire is willing to hold such a meeting, it would be well attended. If council’s constituents think they are doing a good job, it would be a short friendly update, a cup of tea and an adjournment. If there is any real or perceived unrest or rebelliousness amongst attendees, I could only guarantee a much longer meeting.
Rose Boivin
Maritimer Feels at HomeBorn and raised in the Maritimes, I, along with my view of the world, was shaped by the friendliness of the people, the beauty of the countryside and the Maritime culture in general. I am a true, proud Maritimer who never thought, in a million years, I would ever call any other place “home”. I have now lived a dozen years in Frontenac County, the first few years in Sharbot Lake and the remainder in Harrowsmith. For the first few years, I traveled to Kingston to work and in the later years, I found my true calling in Verona.
I am overwhelmed by the passion and commitment shown by the residents and governments of Frontenac County. As I read the Frontenac News, my thoughts are reaffirmed. I am constantly amazed at what our community has to offer.
On March 28, our family’s weekend began at Trinity United Church where my husband and I and three of our children were served dinner by a dedicated group of volunteers. The children curled up in blankets, ate popcorn and watched a movie for an affordable $5, courtesy in part of Central Frontenac Community Services. It was great to spend time with people we know while our children enjoyed a healthy, safe environment with other families. On the way home, our five-year-old daughter told us “That was the best night ever.” The weekend was just beginning. On Saturday morning, I sneaked away to the Frontenac Farmers Market at the Verona Lions Hall while my husband stayed home to feed the cows. At the hall, the children were greeted with costumes and fanfare from the pirates. Over 20 other children enjoyed the fun for over two hours. We ate wholesome homemade food and toured the hall’s new kitchen facilities. Later that evening, after a massive community effort to find us a babysitter, we partook in the Lions’ Pirate Theme Night, an evening of song, dance, extravagant entertainment and a great meal. This year, I noticed an increase in number of newcomers among the crowd. One seasonal resident I spoke with noted “There is something very special happening in Verona, and it is not going unnoticed by Kingstonians.” Sunday morning brought all five of us to the sugar bush where we enjoyed pancakes, covered wagon rides and the great outdoors, and all in time for me to be back to work in Verona by noon.
There is so much to see and do right in our own back yards. Our community should be so very proud of what it has to offer. It is humbling to see and read about the efforts of our neighbours. While good results are satisfying to those who work hard, there is no limit to the personal sacrifices that have been made in the name of community. The list goes on: doctor recruitment efforts, the organization of recreational and cultural events, encouragement of new business, education of our children, welfare of our seniors, assistance to those less fortunate, the promotion of active, healthy living and the protection of our environment.
It is not the years that have made me call this place home, it is the people.
Kim Perry
Vote No to Composting FacilityI live just off Westport Road on Thirteen Island Lake Road, although I am a way in from Westport Road. Nonetheless, I am writing to protest the waste system that Shea is proposing.
It is unfortunate that the most vocal protests are coming from South Frontenac, although the border between Central and South Frontenac runs right along Westport Road, right where this waste dump is proposed, and the residents most affected are in South Frontenac, although it is Central Frontenac which will make the decision.
The company insists that there will be no problem with thisin place receiving waste including organic, i.e. meat waste, from who knows where if Central Frontenac council says okay to the zoning change requested.
I am not normally inclined to write letters of political protest because they usually don't do any good. However, I am sending this letter to the newspaper in hopes that Central Frontenac council members, particularly those for this area - Bill Snyder for one - will find it in their power to say “No” to the zoning change and “No” to this waste system being proposed.
It behooves each one of us to deal with our own consumption waste and not dump it on other areas because we don't want it in our back yard. Well, we don't want it in our back yard either, and there is plenty of evidence that it is not clean and will smell etc. in the hot weather,so please, folks on Central Frontenac council - VOTE “NO” TO THE ZONING CHANGE.
Georgia Ferrell
Thank You for GivingTo the residents of Sharbot Lake and area
Thank you to the Sharbot Lake community for attending the blood donor clinic on April 7 at St James Major Church.
Canadian Blood Services would like to thank all returning and new donors for helping to make Monday’s clinic in Sharbot Lake a success. We were delighted to have collected 33 units of blood; 103% of our goal.
Each donation can help save or improve up to three lives. Therefore, 99 lives will be saved thanks to the generosity of the residents of Sharbot Lake and area. You are true everyday heroes. Every minute of every day, someone in Canada needs blood. It is wonderful to know that by the time you read this, most of the blood collected will have already been shipped to hospitals to help cancer and leukemia patients, victims of car accidents and many others needing life saving surgeries.
As well, we wish to extend our thanks to the Sharbot Lake Lions Club volunteers who always do an excellent job. Hosting such a successful clinic would not be possible without your help. We also want to thank the local businesses, media and organizations that gave us their generous support.
The need for blood is ongoing and we are always looking for donors. Please join us for the next Sharbot Lake Community Blood Donor Clinic on Monday, July 14 from 2:30 pm to 6:00 pm at St James Major Church. For eligibility information or to book an appointment, please contact Canadian Blood Services at 1 888 2 DONATE (1 888 236-6283)
Colleen Fairholme, Coordinator, Canadian Blood Services
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