Feature Article -April Fools
Alternate condominium proposal approved
proposal to build a 17-unit, multi-level, trailer-based condominium has
received preliminary zoning approval in Central Frontenac.The
development, which is being proposed by Backwoods Developers Inc. is to
be located on the Frontenac Road near the Thompson road in Olden
District on a 28 acre so called “scrub lot”. Township planning
consultant Fred Nickles said the proposal conforms to all of the
requirements of the Official Plan, which calls for a variety of
housing, and will bring “a certain amount of assessment to the
township.”The Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority refused
to complete any studies on the proposed development, and answered a
request for comment from the township with the following terse
statement; “The land in question is of marginal if any environmental
interest, and the supposed wetland on the property is nothing more than
a dried up swamp, although there is some milk snake and burdock root
habitat in the vicinity.”Kingston Frontenac Public Health has
accepted a proposal for a three-storey privy on the property, saying “a
septic permit is not necessary as long as there is a grey water system
on the property.Backwoods Developers Inc. President Bart Rumble
said he is thrilled to be working in such a forwardlooking municipality
and looks forward to a bright future in Central Frontenac, “perhaps
even with a waterfront development one day.”