Jeff Green | Mar 20, 2008
Feature Article - March 20, 2008

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Feature Article - March 20, 2008 Addington Highlands Council – March 17, 2008 By Jule Koch BrisonBrian Shier, the landowner who has become involved in a dispute with neighbours after he closed a section of the Cross Lake Road that gives them access to their properties, attended Monday night’s council meeting in Denbigh along with members of his family and a friend, Bob Beyers.The group was not on the meeting’s agenda, but Beyers asked for permission to address council. He said, “The Cross Road business is really wrecking this family… it wouldn’t take a whole lot to widen [the Addington Road] so people would stop hounding them.”
The Addington Road also provides access for people living on the Cross Lake Road beyond Shier’s property, but it is very rough.
Reeve Henry Hogg said that council was waiting for surveys, but it hasn’t been possible to do the surveys because of the winter.
Brian Shier then said he had the surveys that council needed, and asked if he could show his deed, which he had brought with him, to the councilors. Permission was granted and Shier took the documents to the council table, where he spent some time showing certain details to the councilors.
Reeve Hogg maintained that council still needed a survey, but said that council would act once they had it.
The Shiers and Bob Beyers then left the meeting.
Denbigh Ambulance: Reeve Hogg told council that he recently found out two things about the Denbigh Ambulance Service that he previously did not know. The first was that for the last few months, when the Northbrook Ambulance is called out, the Denbigh Ambulance goes to the Northbrook base to stand by, a practice that council is concerned about because it creates too long a response time for emergencies in Denbigh. A taxpayer, Suzanne Lee, had sent a letter to council about the matter.“They have to have washroom facilities when they’re on standby so they go to Northbrook,” said Hogg. Council decided to arrange for the ambulance attendants to have a key to the Cloyne fire hall so they could stand by there.
“But I can tell you there’s going to be a county-wide needs study on ambulance service between now and October,” said Henry Hogg, “and it is not likely going to work out well for us up here because our call volume is so low.”
The second discovery was that the ambulance did not have snow tires. “Someone at Pringle Ford told them they didn’t need snow tires on dual-wheeled vehicles,” Hogg said. Pringle Ford is a Napanee dealership.
Letters to obstructers: Roads Supervisor Royce Rosenblath brought photos to council of a road that was obstructed by a homeowner blowing snow back onto the roadway after it had been plowed. Besides the cost of having to send the plow out a second time, he said the practice also creates a danger, as unsuspecting vehicles could run into the snow. Rosenblath sought council’s approval for a letter he had prepared to send to those who are known to create the problem.
Rosenblath also showed council photos of cars that had been left parked on County Road 30, creating problems for the plows. He had prepared a second letter to be laminated and put on the cars’ windshields. Council approved the distribution of both letters.Hartsmere Bridge: The Hartsmere bridge construction is going well, Rosenblath reported. He said the bridge would be erected on Wednesday of this week.
Flinton Hall parking lot: Deputy Reeve Yanch said that she had received some complaints because the snow has diminished the parking lot’s capacity. Royce Rosenblath said it costs about $5000 a day to remove snow and it would take more than a day to clear the lot. “It’s quite an expense for 2 – 3 weeks,” he said. Yanch pointed out that when people rent the hall for functions they also rent the parking lot, and said the township should have a policy to deal with the situation. Councilor Louise Scott also pointed out that the Recreation Club’s Easter dinner is coming up this Saturday and usually draws 600 – 700 people.Council will formulate a policy and Rosenblath said he would try to push the banks back.
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