Jeff Green | Feb 07, 2008
Feature Article - February 7, 2008.class { BORDER-RIGHT: black 1pt solid; BORDER-TOP: #000 1pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: black 1pt solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: black 1pt solid } .class1 { BORDER-RIGHT: #9f5128 1pt solid; BORDER-TOP: #9f5128 1pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: #9f5128 1pt solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #9f5128 1pt solid } .class2 { FONT-SIZE: 8pt; COLOR: #666 }

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Feature Article - February 4, 2008 South Frontenac Council By Wilma KennyFishing from Municipal Bridges
A note brought forward from the Buck Lake Association asked council to consider passing a by-law forbidding fishing from bridges and township right-of-ways after dark. This was in response to fears that commercial fishers from Toronto were taking illegal quantities of fish fromlocal lakes at night. They referred to a by-law passed by Leeds and Grenville on December 2007 forbidding dusk to dawn fishing from bridges. CAO Burns noted that Leeds and Grenville have already rescinded that by-law on the grounds that it would be impossible to enforce. He went on to say that enforcement of fi shing regulations is a Ministry of Natural Resources responsibility, and that this sort of by-law would encroach on the rights of local citizens. Council agreed unanimously not to proceed with the fishing by-law.
Rutledge Street Bridge Upgrade
Council passed a motion to apply for a Provincial grant to cover the full cost ($300,000) of the repair of the Rutledge Street bridge on the western edge of Sydenham. This infrastructure funding was announced with a short deadline, and only construction-ready projects are eligible. Township money has already been delegated for the project, so if the grant is received, this money will be freed up for other township projects.
A Moment’s Excitement
Councillors Vandewal and McPhail and Deputy Mayor Robinson all expressed interest in representing the township on the proposed Trails Committee for the development of the K&P Trail within Frontenac County. This led to a local version of Survivor: each candidate made a brief statement, then paper ballots were handed out, collected and counted. Vandewal dropped off in the first round, but the tie between the other two persisted through a second round of voting. The matter was resolved by asking an impartial bystander (a member of the press!) to draw the winner. Councillor McPhail will represent South Frontenac on the committee.
Rezoning for Central Frontenac’s Proposed Yard Waste Composting
South Frontenac has been notified of a public meeting Feb 11, 7:00 pm in the Mountain Grove community hall, to consider a zoning by-law amendment. If passed, the amendment would allow a waste management site located in Central Frontenac near the corner of Westport and Hinchinbrooke roads to accept brush and yard waste from outside that township.
They are proposing to hire Casey and Jerry Shea of Earthworx, the company that manages Kingston’s composting, to set up a similar composting program. Councillor Hahn recommended that the Sustainability Committee be kept informed.
Nice try, but no cigar...
Mayor Davison brought forward a request from the OPP for $2,500 to upgrade their fitness centre. Council said no.
Township Recreation Guide Discontinued
At the last Committee of the Whole, Ralph Boston, Chair of the township’s Central Recreation Committee, asked for $4,000 to pay for printing of the Recreation Guide. This guide has been published several times during recent years to keep residents informed of groups and activities in the township. Only Councillors Stowe and York spoke in its favour, and a straw poll showed insufficient support to bring the request to a formal council meeting.
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