Jeff Green | Jan 31, 2008
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Feature Article - January 31, 2008 Central Frontenac Council -Jan 29/08 By Jeff GreenCouncil approves special waste days
In response to a comprehensive waste management report, Central Frontenac Council has decided to set up an e-waste disposal day and a hazardous waste disposal day this summer.
Township CAO John Duchene said “I suggest that we hold the e-waste day before we hold the hazardous waste day, in order to separate the two.
John Purdon, who is the chair of the ad-hoc waste management committee, said, “Both these programs are in the process of being set up as provicial programs. We thought we should wait until the process is known before we do anything more permanent, so we chose the one-day option. One event this year does not mean we will have the same thing next year.”
Councilor Normand Guntensperger, who teaches at Land O'Lakes Public School in Mountain Grove, suggested that a program that had been in place in local schools whereby used batteries were collected and recycled, be looked at once again, and volunteered to approach the school board to ses if they are interested.
“It would have an educational component as well,” he said.
Council approved the two special waste days, and also gave staff leave to investigate the potential purchase of a bulldozer to be used at township dump sites as well as for minor road projects. The ad-hoc committee was also re-constituted in order to work on some of the long term proposals in the report that had been presented to council earlier in January.
More gravel to be crushed – In line with a recommendation from the group that is preparing an organizational review of the township, an increase in the amount and quality of gravel is being purchased for township roads this year. Council approved an upper limit of $253,000 to purchase and/or crush 70,000 tonnes of gravel in 2008.
Infrastructure dream set - “If we're going to dream, let's dream big” said Councilor Jeff Matson in supporting a proposal to apply for $2 million from a provicial infrastriucture program whose application deadline is approaching.The application is for upgrades to seven township roads, including Road 509, and Ardoch, Zealand, Fall River, Shibley, Tryon, and Elm Tree Roads. If approved, the grant provides for improvements and resurfacing of the Ardoch Road and 509, and for a total of 16km of paving on the Zealand, Fall River, and Shibley roads.
Before township residents get their hopes up too high, they should heed the warning from township public works consultant Bryon Dawn.
“If we don’t get the grant, we won't do the paving,” he said.
Budget debate dates set – Council will meet at the Oso Hall in Sharbot Lake on March 18, 19 and April 1 and 2 at 5:00 pm to work on the 2008 budget, which, if all goes as planned, will be approved at a council meeting on April 14 in Mountain Grove.
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