Legalese - June 12, 2008 Back toHome Legalese - June 12, 2008 Special Diet AllowanceWilliam A. Florence, Barrister and Solicitor, Rural Legal ServicesThose in receipt of Ontario Works, and income support from the Ontario Disability Support Program, are able to apply for a “Special Diet” Allowance. If the recipient has… READ MORE
Letters - June 12, 2008 Back toHome Letters - June 12, 2008 Letters: June 12Stop When Lights are Flashing, Gordon McGrawRelay for Life, Jim BeamInjunction Unjustified, Donna DillmanTheft of Lumber, Leslie CronkStop When Lights are Flashing Highway 38 is my route to and from my house. On June 5, I… READ MORE
Outdoors - June 12, 2008 Back toHome Outdoors in the LandO'Lakes - June 12, 2008 The Little Brown Bat – Acrobat of the Air Outdoors in the Land O'Lakes by Lorraine Julien Though there are many birds (even other insects) and mammals that eat insects, one of the smallest insect-eating… READ MORE
Feature Article - June 12, 2008 Back toHome Feature Article - June 12, 2008 Generations of Firefighters Meet AgainBy Julie DrukerCarter, Brendan and Bryson Brown, Alison Oldendorf, Captain John Chabot and Bevan Lambert, Portland District's first Fire Chief in 1958.The weather surely was cooperating with the firefighters, their friends and… READ MORE
Feature Article - June 12, 2008 Back toHome Feature Article - June 12, 2008 Celebration, Remembrance, and Another Fight WonBy Julie DrukerCaptain Dianne Lake with her Pirates of the Lake, one of many teams entered in this years Relay forLife.The 2nd Annual Canadian Cancer Society’s “Relay for Life” in Frontenac… READ MORE
Feature Article - June 12, 2008 Back toHome Feature Article - June 12, 2008 School boards launch aboriginal self-identification initiativeBy Jeff GreenThe Limestone District School Board is partnering with the Algonquin and Lakeshore Catholic District School Board on a project to encourage self-identification among aboriginal students in the two boards.… READ MORE
Feature Article - June 12, 2008 Back toHome Feature Article - June 12, 2008 Central Frontenac Council – June 9/08By Jeff GreenCentral Frontenac Council resolves planning bottleneck There’s nothing like a muggy summer night, a non-air conditioned hall, and a host of contentious planning matters to make for a pleasant… READ MORE
Feature Article - June 12, 2008 Back toHome Feature Article - June 12, 2008 North Frontenac CouncilBy Jeff GreenNorth Frontenac to explore secession from Frontenac CountyDissatisfaction with Frontenac County is almost a tradition in North Frontenac, and last week it boiled over for Mayor Ron Maguire. “I was on the… READ MORE
Feature Article - June 12, 2008 Back toHome Feature Article - June 12, 2008 Customer Appreciation Week at Sydenham's Royal BankBy Wilma KennyL to R: Jason LeBlanc, Account Manager: Anne Pritchard, FCDC: Lorie Reed, Sydenham and Area Community Association: Chris Lucas, Branch Manager, Glenda Cox, Teller: Irene Pierce, Account Manager:… READ MORE
Feature Article - June 12, 2008 Back toHome Feature Article - June 12, 2008 Uranium: Lots of speculation, but no Drilling, thus farBy Jeff GreenThe rumour mill has been working on overdrive this week ever since it was reported that a pickup truck bearing the insignia of a drilling company… READ MORE
Editorial - June 5, 2008 Back toHome Editorial - June 5, 2008 Ministry Silence Still DeafensEditorial by Jeff GreenExactly 11 months ago I wrote an editorial called “The silence of the ministry” about what was then a three-week old occupation of the Robertsville mine site by Algonquin protestors. The gist… READ MORE
Letters - June 5, 2008 Back toHome Letters - June 5, 2008 Letters: June 5Re: Verona Cemetery Service, James SteedRe: Verona cemetery Service You did a grievous error in not mentioning Veterans (As of 1 July 2006, all personnel that don the uniform of the Canadian Forces become veterans whether… READ MORE
Jun 5/08 - Eco Alternative Energy Back toHome Feature Article - June 5, 2008 Eco-Alternative EnergyBy Jeff GreenRon Kortekaas of Eco Alternative Energy. Ron and Anne Kortekaas opened an alternative energy store in Sharbot Lake three years ago, with the idea of serving the growing market of seasonal and permanent… READ MORE
Feature Article - June 5, 2008 Back toHome Feature Article - June 5, 2008 Maples brings beachfront dining back in Sharbot LakeBy Jeff GreenTown Crier Paddy O'Connor, Owners Lorrette & Phil Gray, Central Frontenac Mayor Janet Gutowski. Photo Janet Ranger.Lorrette and Phil Gray are approaching their fifth anniversary as the… READ MORE
Master Gardeners - June 5, 2008 Back toHome Master Gardeners - June 5, 2008 Lilacs and their care byAnkaret Dean, Lanark County Master Gardeners This is the time of the year when the rural roads and villages display their spring show of fragrant lilac blossoms and what a beautiful show!… READ MORE
Feature Article - June 5, 2008 Back toHome Feature Article - June 5, 2008 International Food Festival at NAECBy Katie OlhkeDan, a grade 10 Hospitality student, stands in front of his Jamaican cuisine. The grade 10 Hospitality class hosted an International Food Fair for the NAEC staff last week. Mouth-watering… READ MORE