Sandra Meeks | Aug 17, 2016

The 8th Annual Mooks Fishing Derby was held on August 13 in memory of Trevor Meeks. The weather couldn't dampen the spirits of the participants. We had a fabulous day and raised $6507.75 for Camp Oochigeas (camp for kids affected by cancer). We would like to thank everyone for participating; the cooks, Gary Morrow and Dean Salmond for a job well done; for all the people who donated items for the silent auction; for all who helped organize, set-up, clean-up; the fish cleaners, etc, thank you from the bottom of our hearts. The winner of the derby was Brenda Scott with a 4.9 lb. bass. Brenda donated her $100 prize to Camp Oochigeas. Thank you everyone from Roger, Sandra, Misty & Tyler; we couldn't do it without you all. We are looking forward to next year’s derby which will be held on Saturday, Aug 12, 2017.

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