| Feb 08, 2017

Freeburn named New Road & Waste Supervisor in Addington Highlands
Addington Highlands Council announced its new Road & Waste Management Supervisor at its regular meeting Monday in Flinton.

The Township chose to promote from within, naming lead hand Mark Freeburn to the position.

Freeburn officially begins his new duties Feb. 13.

The position became vacant last November when long-time supervisor (29 years) Royce Rosenblath announced his retirement plans.

Rosenblath himself took over the position from another long-time employee, his father, James (26 years as ‘road boss’ of the former Denbigh, Abinger and Ashby Township).

For his part, Freeburn was optimistic.

“Everything’s looking good,” he said.

The Township expressed its condolences on the passing of former Frontenac News editor Jule Koch. In a prepared statement Council said: “Jule covered activities in Addington Highlands and reported on many Council meetings. Addington Highlands would like to recognize Jule for her hard work and integrity and express their appreciation for all she has done.”

Building Code Changes
Council expressed concerns over possible implications proposed changes to the Building Code could have for residents as they apply to sewage systems.

“My concern is there could be a huge cost for cottagers,” said Reeve Henry Hogg.

“A couple of years ago, the Mazinaw cottagers association was all for it,” said Coun. Kirby Thompson.

“The associations were for it because they were concerned about pollution going into the lakes,” said Coun. Bill Cox.

Water Conditions
A report from the Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority that “conditions (have) returned to normal (and) the watershed in no longer in drought status” prompted Coun. Tony Fritsch to observe that lack of snow in Belleville area might lead to concerns for the Quinte Conservation Authority and to suggest “perhaps we could send them some water in return for a rate adjustment.”

Budget Date Set
Council set Feb. 21 as the date to begin 2017 budget deliberations. The budget talks will begin at 10 a.m. and conclude at noon to be followed by the regular Council meeting in Denbigh.

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