Jeff Green | May 06, 2010
Taxes jump by 6.7% in Addington Highlands
Addington Highlands Council will be increasing their net levy to ratepayers by $114,000 in 2010. In 2009 the total amount raised through taxation in the township was $1.68 million, whereas in 2010 it will be $1.79 million, an increase of about 6.7%
One of the major reasons for the increase, according to Reeve Henry Hogg, was a cut in a provincial transfer fund for municipal services. Payments to Addington Highlands from the Ontaro government under the Ontario Municipal Partnership fund (OMPF) decreased by $144,000 this year. “There was not much we could do,” said Henry Hogg, “we still have to cover all of our costs, even if the OMPF fund was cut back.”
The township will be completing work on the Denbigh garage and the Matawachan Road this year, both projects that were partially funded by grant money. A planned new fire hall in Northbrook will not go ahead this year, but money has been set aside for the construction in the future.
The extra levy will be covered by assessment increases that are being phased in over a four-year period.
Dump site to be mothballed? An inquiry has been received by the township about a small dump site that serves residents who live on Buckshot Lake. The localized dump, which is only active in the summer, does not receive recycling, only waste, and use is based on subscribers among members of the lake association. The complaint concerns maintenance of the dump.
According to Reeve Hogg, the site has been in existence since before amalgamation, and the Ministry of the Environment is aware of its existence. “I think this might mean that the site will have to be mothballed, and if it is we are going to have to pay the closure costs,” said Hogg, although as of yet the township has not been contacted by the Ministry of Environment about the Buckshot Lake dump.
“We would not consider that site for a transfer station if it were closed,” said Roads Superintendent Royce Rosenblath.
Although the matter was the subject of conversation, Council took no action on it. At this time, there are no plans to close the site.
LOLCS to pay for hall rentals – Land O'Lakes Community Services (LOLCS) requested a significant fee reduction for the use of township halls.
“What do they normally pay?” asked Deputy Reeve Helen Yanch.
“I think we normally waive the fees,” said Councilor Louise Scott.
“If we give them a very reduced rate, or free use of the halls, there is still the matter of the cost of cleanup,” said Treasurer Jack Pauhl. “But we do have a reduced rate for service groups.”
Deputy Reeve Helen Yanch moved that the service group rate be applied to all use of halls by LOLCS, and Council agreed.
Tender for coverall at Flinton rink – The impact of the Harmonised Sales Tax on the project has made it difficult for the township to determine if the tenders they have received for the Flinton Rink Coverall will lead to a cost over run, but there is a possibility that there will be a $5,000 extra cost.
The Flinton Recreation Committee has committed $63,000 towards the $125,000 municipal cost of the project, and will be doing fundraising for the rest. An infrastructure grant is covering the other $250,000. Council agreed to cover the extra $5,000 cost, should it be necessary.
Internet voting returns – Council decided to engage Intellivote to run the 2010 Addington Highlands Election. Residents will receive a PIN number in the mail, which will enable them to vote over the telephone or through the world-wide web. The same company provided service for the 2006 election, and voting went off without a hitch.
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