| Feb 04, 2015

Jamboree – Council wants to know how much is being requested

Andy Anderson has been carrying on a campaign to save the Flinton Jamboree.

The annual event was founded and run, until last year, by Donna and Duane Thibault in conjunction with the Flinton Recreation Committee. The committee and the Thibaults have walked away from the event, and Andy Anderson is trying to keep it going. He came to Council this week seeking approval for a project to soundproof the roof over the Flinton rink, so the Jamboree could be moved under cover. Until now, the Jamboree has been held in a field behind the Flinton Recreation Centre.

Deputy Reeve Helen Yanch expressed a view that was echoed by other members of Council, telling Anderson, “I think that is a big project to take on. Let's just get the Jamboree back up and running this year. Why not use the trailer that was always used as a stage and hold it where it was held before.”

“We still need township support, to cover insurance, to get the recreation committee involved,” said Anderson.

“The recreation committee is a recreation facilities committee; it has nothing to do with events,” said Councilor Tony Fritsch.

If Andy Anderson was hoping that some of the people who organized the event in the past might want to help a new team of volunteers out, Donna Thibault, who attended the meeting, was not encouraging.

“The Flinton Recreation Committee has already decided not to go forward and not to support anyone who is planning to do it. I think they might let you use the trailer they have for a stage, I can ask them that, but that is all,” she said.

“What is the township willing to do?” Anderson asked.

“You haven't said how much you need” said Reeve Henry Hogg.

“I can get you that, I can put that together,” said Anderson, “but don't forget how valuable this event is for the businesses, even if it is not making a lot of profit.”

Security cameras rejected for Denbigh Rec. Centre

In response to a recent act of vandalism to the library drop box and the Addington Highlands Recreation Centre – Denbigh, Councilor Fritsch costed out a new set of cameras to cover that part of the building.

The cost of the two-camera system is estimated at $330.

“The question really is - will they be deterrent and not a target?” said Councilor Kirby Thompson.

Council evidently thought they would be the latter, and voted down the purchase.

Requests deferred to budget

Requests for $2,500 for Canada Day Fireworks from the Denbigh Recreation Committee, for $1.25 per resident from Land O'Lakes Community Services, and for up to $5,000 for a new roof from the Land O'Lakes Lions Club were all deferred to budget deliberations.

Committees need members from ward 1.

A number of committees require resident representatives and although residents from ward 2 have come forward for the recreation and public works committees, there have been no volunteers from ward 1. Interested residents are encouraged to call the township office.

Waiting for the fire hall

Fire Chief Casey Cuddy reported that the engineering firm and contractor involved in the construction of the new Northbrook fire hall will be coming to the hall next week and a letter of completion should be forthcoming. The fire department is in limbo right now, having moved trucks into the new building over Christmas and back to the old building in January, waiting for the contractor to sign off.

“We are paying heat and hydro in two buildings right now,” said Reeve Hogg. “That shouldn't be the case

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