Jule Koch | Jan 06, 2016

The 12th annual Sharbot Lake Community Christmas Dinner & Celebration was held on Christmas Day at the St. James Major Catholic Church hall, with approximately 90 people attending. The turkey and ham dinner was a sumptuous feast and almost all the guests took home extra meals for subsequent days and for other family members and friends. Dinners were also delivered to those who could not attend. The dinner happens every year thanks to amazingly generous donations from local businesses, churches, organizations and individuals, and to the hard work of the many volunteers who set up the hall, prepare and serve the meal, wash the dishes, play music, and do countless other tasks. Organizers felt especially lucky this year to be joined by new volunteers, Dean and Jennifer of Primitive Catering, who contributed their considerable culinary skills and delicious casseroles to the dinner. The MC was Trina Wilson, who led the audience in singing favorite Christmas songs, and in playing ingenious games that everyone thoroughly enjoyed. A huge and heartfelt thank you to everyone who attended, who donated and who helped in any way.

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