Rev. Jean Brown | Mar 09, 2016

Parham United Church hosted a fantastic and spiritually inspiring ecumenical service to honour God and the World Day of Prayer movement. All area churches gathered to take part in a shared service written by the host country Cuba on the theme of “Receive Children, receive me”. Worshipers of all ages from various churches helped out with music, Cuban foods, Cuban prayers, and Cuban artifacts from many who had visited that area. Musical tributes by Stanley Stinchombe (piano) and cousins Jordan Lowery and Colin Hamilton (guitar) with Cuban rhythm instruments by the younger worshipers Hunter, Hailey, and Brody all added to the festivities and prayerful learning.

Through the World Day of Prayer, folks are encouraged to become aware of other countries and cultures and to embrace the world. They are also encouraged to prayerfully take up the burdens of other people, to sympathize with the problems of other countries and cultures and pray with and for one another. They are further encouraged to become aware of their talents and use them in the service of God. The World Day of Prayer aims to demonstrate that prayer and action are inseparable and that both have immeasurable influence in the world.

Following the service, folks thanked God for the fellowship and the wonderful food prepared in honour of the special ecumenical experience. It was a memorable event and a true way to share in learning, worship and service to God.

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