June Crawford | Jun 29, 2016

Sharbot Lake, Hollowood Branch 425

Here it is the end of another school year for our young folks. Legion Branch 425 would like to congratulate all of them on another successful year. Every fall the students are invited to participate in the Remembrance Day Poster, Poem and Essay contest. We commend all the students who participated, as these posters, poems and essays are much appreciated by all our veterans and military who participate in the Remembrance Day Ceremony. Congratulations to the winners in the following categories:

Poems: 1st, Junior Grades 4-6: Amica Leveque of Granite Ridge; 1st, Intermediate Grades 7-9: Hailey Wistard of Granite Ridge.

Posters – Colour: 1st, Primary Grades 1-3: Hanna Hearns of Granite Ridge; 1st, Junior Grades 4-6, Poppy Limber of St. James Major. 1st, Intermediate Grades 7-9, Amber Minutillo of St. James Major.

Posters - Black & White: 1st, Junior Grades 4-6, Gavin McCullough of Granite Ridge; 1st, Intermediate Grades 7-9, Abigail Beattie of Granite Ridge.

On another note, as Branch 425 continues to celebrate its 70th anniversary, please watch for any announcements of activities that will take place during July and August. We wish everyone a very happy and safe summer!

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