Jan 25, 2017

Come help us celebrate Canada’s 150th by participating in our 7th annual Polar Plunge as part of our annual Frontenac Heritage Festival. The first toes hit the water on Sunday, February 17th at 12 noon sharp! Our thanks again to Richard Struthers and his staff at the Marina for hosting the event. You can participate as a plunger, a spectator or even as a financial contributor!!

After two years of particularly polar postponements – this year we will jump the following Sunday if the weather is to be below -20 C. We will make a proclamation 24 hours before jump time on whether it is a go or not and this will be broadcast on the Heritage Festival Facebook page and website so check in the evening before, or the morning of the jump for the latest updates.

Plungers please show up between 10:45 to 11 for pre-plunge refreshments and safety briefing.  Paddy O’Conner, our Town Crier, will get things underway at 12 Noon and the first plunger will hit the water shortly after.  For the sake of the participants and the audience the action will be fast and furious and should wrap up within 30-45 minutes.  Through the generosity of St. Lawrence College Employment Center, Karen McGregor will join Mayor Frances Smith to present the trophies for our award winners just before the plunge.

Come!! Plunge with us - but if (for some reason) you can’t – why not sponsor a plunger??  Funds raised this year will go to assisting:

  • Community Living – Treasure Trunk
  • Northern Connections Adult Learning Centre
  • Central Frontenac Fire Department

Thank you in advance for all your generous donations.  When making cheques out to plungers, please make them payable to: Township of Central Frontenac with a notation of “Polar Plunge” at the bottom.  If you want a receipt for your generous donation please include accurate postal address info on the pledge form so we can get the receipt to you!!  Our thanks again to Bill Young and the Firefighters for being in the water right there with us, the Emergency Services personnel for being on hand (just in case!) and the many volunteers that make this event possible.

For information or pledge forms, or for info on available plungers to fund please contact Art Holloway at 613-985-2895 or at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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