Jun 28, 2017

Share Your Fare is a community based initiative that encourages people who have gardens to donate some of their produce to people who do not. Contributions are used or distributed by local community organizations. Share Your Fare promotes health in our community through the creation of an integrated network for food sharing. Share Your Fare provides fresh produce for local organizations and programs increasing interconnectedness, self reliance and sustainability within our community.

Just a little...one head of lettuce, a few tomatoes or a handful of carrots is a wonderful contribution. No amount is too small (larger quantities are also welcome).

It's easy...Currently drop off locations are in Sharbot Lake, every day of the week! Bring something with you when you go to, or through, Sharbot Lake.

Keep growing...Share Your Fare closer to home. Organizations and programs throughout Frontenac County are encouraged to participate. If you are part of a church, community centre or organized group and would like to join the initiative, email your location, drop off time and where you will direct the contributions (to community dinners, festivals, or individuals in need) to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Drop off locations 2017

Monday-Sunday (7 days) 8-5pm
Aboriginal Resource Centre, Two Eagles Store, 24719 Highway #7 Produce will be delivered to Aboriginal Centre in Arden for use at community gatherings and given to individuals in need.

Monday-Friday 9-4pm
Medical Centre, 1005 Medical Centre Rd., Food Sharing Shelf. A program started by the dietitian to provide healthy food to individuals in need. Drop of on Food Sharing Shelf inside the front door.

Tuesday 930-10 am
North Frontenac Food Bank, 1095 Garrett Street. Contributions will be used in monthly baskets for individuals in need.

Tuesday 10-1130 am
Seniors Centre, 1042 Elizabeth Street. Food will be used for meals on wheels and seniors events and functions. Fridge and freezer space is available for larger amounts to be stored.

Tuesday 1-4 pm
Northern Frontenac Community Services, 1020 Elizabeth Street. Contributions will be used for drop in program meals. Leave produce at the front desk in a box or bag, for Mike.

Thursday 8-930 am
Seniors Centre, 1042 Elizabeth Street. Food will be used for meals on wheels and seniors events and functions.

Friday 930-10 am
North Frontenac Food Bank, 1095 Garrett Street. Contributions will be used in monthly baskets for individuals in need.

Reap what you sow. Share Your Fare Frontenac! Share Your Fare Frontenac is sponsored by Mountain Grove Seed Company, The Frontenac News, and W.A.Robinson.

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